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What is Jowls? – Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and Side Effects


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One of the most common signs of getting older is jowls, which makes many women think about getting plastic surgery. It takes a long time for the skin around your cheeks and jawline to start sagging. This changes the shape of your face a lot and makes you look older than you are.

Jowls are extra or sagging skin on a person’s neck, right below the jawline and chin. Almost everyone gets a few jowls as they get older and their skin loses some of its elasticity.

At almost any age, jowls can get bigger because of a number of things, such as genetics, stress, repetitive facial movements, and lifestyle choices. Feel like your jawline isn’t as strong as it used to be? Do you want to know how to make your jowls look less noticeable?

Find out how to get rid of jowls and how to help keep them from happening in this article.

What is Jowls?

“Jowls” refers to loose skin below the jawline, which most people get as they get older. Aside from getting older, there are a number of other things that can cause jowls.
Damage from the sun and smoking can both speed up the aging process and cause the skin to lose its elasticity and collagen.

Jowls can also be caused by your genes. If you have a genetic tendency to get them, you are more likely to get them. Some people have also said that sleeping on your front or side for a long time could lead to jowls.

What Causes Jowls?

There are many things that can cause jowls on the face:

  • They can happen when there is less elastin and collagen in the skin (proteins in facial tissue). As these proteins break down, the face loses its firmness and elasticity, which makes the skin sag.
  • Collagen and elastin in the face can also be hurt by smoking and getting too much sun.
  • Jowls can be caused by your genes, your environment, or the way you live.
  • When you make certain faces, the skin on your face and neck can stretch out. When you gain weight, your skin stretches, and if you lose that weight, the skin that has been stretched may sag.
  • If you work on a computer or phone all the time, your neck skin may stretch out over time, depending on the angle at which you look at the screen.

How Do You Know If You Have Jowls?

It’s important to know if you have jowls so you can figure out the best way to treat them for your needs. Most of the time, jowls look like they are sagging on either side of the jawline. This happens when collagen and elastin in the skin break down. You may also notice that your skin is sagging or that you have too much fat under your chin. Your doctor can give you a more thorough checkup to find out if you have jowls and what the best treatment is for you.

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Treatments for jowls

There are two major types of treatments for jowls. You can use dermal fillers, SculptraTM, or thread lifts to add structure and definition. Sk:n also has treatments called “rejuvenation” that will make your skin look better and firmer all over. Some of these are micro-needling, laser resurfacing, and skin peels.

  • Dermal fillers

With dermal fillers, a fine needle is used to inject a medically made solution under the skin to enhance facial features and plump and fill in sagging skin. When done right by a doctor, they can subtly smooth, shape, and tone the jowls, which helps define your facial features.

  • Neck lift

Most of the time, a surgeon will cut along the side of the face look and under the chin to do a neck lift. He or she will then move fat and tissues in the jaw and cheek and shape them. They will also cut off some of the extra skin and tighten some of the muscles around the area.

Most people think that neck lifts are the best way to treat jowls, but the surgery takes a long time to heal and has the highest risk of problems. Scarring and infections are the most common problems that can happen.

When compared to other ways to treat jowls, neck lifts are also very expensive.

  • Sculptra™

SculptraTM is a type of dermal filler that is given as a series of small injections of different thicknesses. Poly-L-Lactic Acid is in SculptraTM. It replaces lost collagen to help keep the skin’s elasticity. It fills in the hollowed-out parts of the face that have lost volume as a result of getting older. Sculptra works especially well on jowls.

  • Thread Lifts

A thread lift is a method of rejuvenation that uses special surgical threads to lift sagging skin and make it look tighter and younger. The threads are made of polylactic acid, which is found in nature and has been used in medicine for more than 25 years. The threads slowly get the body to make more collagen, which helps restore volume to the face and smooth out deep lines and wrinkles.

  • Skin Peels

Peels work by using the power of acids and other active ingredients that are already in the skin to deeply exfoliate the skin. The treatment encourages the growth of new cells and the production of collagen, which helps the skin look fresher, clearer, and firmer.

  • Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is one of the most advanced ways to make your skin look younger. It uses a specially designed beam of thermal energy to “injure” the old skin. This triggers the body’s wound-healing response, which makes the body make new, tighter skin with smaller pores and fewer wrinkles and spots.

  • Ultherapy

In Ultherapy, ultrasound therapy is used to stimulate the deep layers of the skin to make more collagen over time. Ultherapy only takes one session, and most people are able to go back to their normal lives right away.

Most people notice that their skin continues to get tighter and firmer for a few months after treatment.

In one study, 3 months after ultrasound therapy, the neck and jawline of nearly 70% of the people who took part still looked better.

  • Microneedling

Microneedling works by causing the skin to heal, just like laser resurfacing. Tiny microneedles pierce the skin’s surface, starting the process of cell renewal and collagen production. This makes the skin look firmer and younger.

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Home Treatments for Jowls

You can get rid of jowls without spending a lot of money if you use treatments you can do at home. Face exercises, for example, can help strengthen the muscles in the lower face and lower jaw. To nourish your skin, you can also make homemade masks with natural ingredients like aloe, honey, sea buckthorn oil, and ginseng oil. Also, putting on a soft mask with vitamin care, glycerin, collagen, and seaweed before you go to bed can help keep your skin moist. Last, you can improve circulation and get rid of toxins by massaging your face and neck with warm olive oil. All of these treatments are easy to do at home and don’t cost too much.

How to Prevent Face Jowls?

You can keep your jowls from sagging too soon by:

  • Keep your facial expressions from being too extreme: don’t be afraid to laugh! Just don’t stretch the skin more than you need to.
  • Don’t smoke. The chemicals in cigarettes are bad for your skin.
  • Getting less sun: Always put sunscreen on your face and neck, because the sun’s rays are bad for your skin.
  • How to limit your screen time: When you use your computer or phone, keep your head at a comfortable angle. Do not bunch the neck or stretch it out. Try to take a break of five to ten minutes for every hour you work on the computer.

Many people get facelifts to get rid of their jowls. Remember that jowls can come back after a face and neck lift if only the skin is lifted. Check out the before and after pictures of your surgeon to make sure that your jowl reduction treatment will work.

The jowl facelift is the best way to look young and fresh for a long time. We suggest that you meet with a skilled surgeon in person to help you get rid of your jowls and get the look you want.

When to Seek Professional Help?

If you want to do something about your jowls, you should talk to a professional first. A consultation in person can help you figure out what the best thing to do in your situation is. Results from professional treatments can be better and last longer than those from home remedies. A professional can also help you figure out the possible risks and side effects of each treatment.

Some people, like those with sensitive skin or certain health problems, might not be good candidates for these treatments. Talking to a professional can help you make an informed choice and make sure that the treatment you choose will give you the best results possible.

Are There Any Side Effects?

When thinking about how to treat jowls, it’s important to know what possible side effects could happen. At-home treatments may cause minor skin irritation or redness, but in-office treatments like HIFU and facelift surgery may cause more serious side effects like swelling, bruising, or pain at the surgical site. Before getting any kind of treatment, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the possible risks and side effects.

Also, it’s important to remember that any procedure has a chance of causing an infection or something else very bad. If you’re thinking about getting a procedure for your jowls, make sure to do your research and find a qualified doctor who can give you the best care.

Are There Non-Surgical Alternatives?

Yes, there are several non-surgical ways to treat jowls besides a surgical facelift. EndoLift is a new, minimally invasive alternative to a surgical facelift. It uses laser energy to tighten the skin and shape facial fat without making any cuts. Ultherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production and lift, tighten, and firm jowls without surgery.

Fillers and anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to plump up sagging skin, while radiofrequency treatments can tighten the skin and make wrinkles and jowls less noticeable. Even though all of these treatments work, they are not permanent, so it is important to talk to a professional before deciding what to do.

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Can You Have Surgery For Jowls?

Through a type of liposuction procedure, it is possible for some people to have fat taken out of their chin and jawline. This is an invasive treatment that could hurt nerves or leave scars. A surgical neck lift or facelift can also make jowls look less noticeable. Again, this is a risky, invasive procedure with a long recovery time. A cosmetic surgeon will be able to tell you whether or not surgery is a good idea for you.

Can Facial Exercises Reduce Jowls?

There are different ideas about how facial exercises can help reduce the look of jowls. Some experts on skin say that the repeated, exaggerated movements used in facial exercises could make wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes worse. One exercise that is often suggested for jowls, however, is the “chin-up”: Close your mouth and move your bottom jaw forward. Raise your bottom lip up. Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds. You should feel a stretch under your chin. Do this three times.

What if I Already Have Jowls?

There are several ways to treat sagging jowls or make them look less saggy or droopy. Surgical procedures, like neck lifts, can make your skin tighter and less saggy looking. Thermage, lasers, and peels are non-surgical ways to change the way your skin’s collagen is made up. You can hide hollow spots around the jowls with fillers.

You can also hide your jowls with clothes and make-up when you go out. Check out these exercises for a defined jawline if you’d rather do something at home.


In the end, jowls are an unfortunate side effect of getting older. There are a number of ways to improve the look of jowls, which is good news. Jowls can be made to look better by using anti-wrinkle injections, fillers, or liposuction surgery. Jowls can also be made to look better with creams, face masks, and facial exercises that you can do at home.

Radiofrequency devices and laser treatments can often help reduce the look of sagging skin without having to do surgery. Some of these treatments do come with risks, but they can be kept to a minimum if you take care of yourself and talk to a qualified doctor or aesthetician before getting the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Jowls

What Are Jowls?

Jowls are loose skin that hangs below the jawline. They are usually a sign of getting older. Usually, it shows up on the cheeks and jawline.

What Is The Best Treatment For Jowls?

Lower facelift and neck lift surgery will give the most dramatic results for jowls, but it can be expensive, have high risks, and take a long time to recover from. This has led to the rise in popularity of non-surgical jowl treatments like Ultherapy and Thread Lift, which lift and tighten muscle and skin tissue to treat sagging jowls.

What do jowls look like?

Face jowls are the sagging or drooping bags of skin along the jawline. As the muscles in the lower cheeks lose strength and size, the skin falls down. This makes the jawline look loose and without definition.

Are jowls fat or muscle?

They are the bags of skin and fat that form along the jaw and make the jawline look like it doesn’t have any shape. All of us are likely to get jowls as we get older and older, which is a shame. Even taking good care of your skin and staying out of the sun aren’t always enough to stop jowls from appearing.

Does losing weight reduce jowls?

Some people can’t get rid of droopy jowls even if they lose weight. Even if a person loses a lot of weight, it doesn’t help most people, especially those with aging skin. It’s because losing weight makes jowls more noticeable, to begin with.

Does losing weight prevent jowls?

Losing weight or gaining weight: People can get jowls early on in life if they gain or lose a lot of weight. When a person gains weight, their skin gets bigger to fit their new size. But if the client loses weight, the skin that was stretched may start to sag and form jowls.

Why do I have jowls in my 20s?

As early as our 20s, our bodies start to make less collagen, and our jowls are often one of the first places to show signs of aging.

Are jowls caused by fat?

The jowl is actually a fat pad that gets bigger when you gain weight. It also gets bigger and more noticeable with age, in part because the cheeks around it can lose volume.

At what age do jowls develop?

Simply put, saggy jowls happen when the skin on the lower face loses its elasticity. This is usually caused by the body’s own collagen production slowing down. This usually starts to happen in a person’s late 30s or early 40s, but it can happen earlier.

Is jawline Genetic?

Many of your physical traits come from your genes. This includes the way your jaw is built and how it looks. Because of this, a parent or grandparent may have given you a weak jawline.

Are there exercises for sagging jowls?

Hold a smile with your lips around your teeth and your index finger on your chin to provide resistance. Now pull the lower jaw back. Take two fingers and a thumb and pinch the area of the jaw from the bottom to the top to relieve stress.

What does a good jawline look like?

From the front, the line from the tip of the chin to the angle of the lower jaw is strong and smooth. The angle of the mandible is clear, but it doesn’t look too heavy on the bottom. From the side, there is no fat or double chin, and the lines from the chin to the neck are smooth.

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