More Than a Third of Amazon Rainforest Struggling to Recover from Drought, Study Finds

Amazon Rainforest Drought Recovery

A recent study reveals that more than a third of the Amazon rainforest is struggling to recover from drought, signaling a “critical slowing down” of this vital ecosystem.

The findings raise concerns about the long-term health of the world’s largest tropical forest and its role as a major carbon sink.

Increased Frequency and Intensity of Droughts

The Amazon has experienced four “one-in-a-century” droughts in less than 20 years, largely driven by human-induced climate change. 

These intense dry spells have put unprecedented stress on the forest’s trees and plants, many of which are succumbing to dehydration. 

Historically, the Amazon’s canopy would shrink and expand with the seasonal cycles, but the increasing frequency and intensity of droughts have slowed its recovery.

Research Findings

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, used satellite imagery to analyze vegetation activity from 2001 to 2019. Researchers examined tens of thousands of 25-square-kilometer areas month by month, correlating the data with local rainfall. 

Their goal was to understand how drought frequency, intensity, and duration affect the stability of Amazon vegetation. The researchers found that 37% of the mature vegetation in the Amazon exhibited signs of “critical slowing down.”

The most vulnerable areas were in the highly deforested and degraded south-eastern Amazon, which is at risk of a catastrophic shift to a drier state.

The Impact of Drought

The study concluded that drought intensity is a more significant factor than frequency in destabilizing the forest.

However, a combination of both factors is the most detrimental. Lead author Johanna Van Passel emphasized that the satellite images only provide a partial view of the situation. 

“Trees are the last part of the ecosystem to show tipping points because they have the longest life cycle and are most able to cope,” she said. “If we are already seeing a tipping point getting closer at this macro forest level, then it must be getting worse at a micro level.”

A Tipping Point for the Amazon

The Amazon rainforest is home to 15,000 tree species, which play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

 The study warns that the forest’s slowing recovery rate may be an early indicator of large-scale ecosystem collapse. “It makes me very worried about the future of the Amazon,” Van Passel said.

“It is a warning sign that a tipping point can be reached in the future if these droughts continue to increase and get more intense.”

Dire Consequences of Drought

Last year’s devastating drought left the Amazon’s rivers at record low levels, worsened forest fires, and caused the mass die-off of over 100 river dolphins.

The study notes that areas with the lowest rainfall since the early 2000s experienced the largest decline in stability. Trees are more likely to die in intense, hot droughts due to hydraulic failure and carbon starvation.

Future Projections

The study predicts that global warming will further increase the frequency and intensity of droughts in the Amazon, leading to higher forest mortality rates and pushing more areas toward a tipping point. Areas already affected by deforestation and fires are particularly vulnerable.

Policy Recommendations

The study urges international policymakers to take immediate action to protect the remaining mature forests, Indigenous peoples, and other traditional communities.

It also calls for significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. “The message to policymakers is that we must protect the forest that is still there, especially in the south of the Amazon. 

Farmers should stop cutting forests because they lose out when this reduces rainfall,” Van Passel said. 

“We must stop climate change. We have all this information; now let’s act on it … I’m worried but hopeful.”

The alarming findings of this study highlight the urgent need for global action to protect the Amazon rainforest and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The future of this critical ecosystem, which plays a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate, depends on the concerted efforts of governments, organizations, and individuals worldwide.


The Information is Taken from The Guardian and MSN

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