Doctor-Recommended Ear Cleaning: Stop Using Cotton Swabs Now

Ear Cleaning Tips No More Cotton Swabs

Cotton swabs are a common tool for ear cleaning, often used to remove wax from the ear canal. However, Dr. Bradley Kesser, an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist and professor at UVA Health in Virginia, warns against this practice.

According to Dr. Kesser, cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into the ear canal, exacerbating impaction problems rather than solving them. This can lead to blockages that are harder to clear and may even require medical intervention.

Risks Associated with Cotton Swabs

Using cotton swabs not only risks pushing the wax deeper but also poses other dangers. The delicate skin of the ear canal can be easily damaged by swabs, leading to abrasions that may become infected.

Dr. Minka Schofield, a clinical professor of otolaryngology at Ohio State University, highlights that such abrasions can serve as entry points for bacteria, potentially leading to painful infections. 

Additionally, there is a risk of perforating the eardrum if a swab is inserted too deeply, which can cause severe pain and long-term hearing damage.

The Misunderstood Role of Earwax

Many people view earwax as unsightly or unclean, but it plays a crucial protective role in ear health. Earwax is a natural barrier, preventing dirt and bacteria from reaching the inner ear.

Furthermore, the ear canal has a self-cleaning mechanism that gradually moves wax and debris out of the ear. Dr. Schofield emphasizes that this process means that under normal circumstances, the ear does not require internal cleaning.

Safe Practices for Ear Cleaning

Dr. Schofield recommends wiping the outer ear with a damp cloth for those who need to clean their ears. If there is excess wax buildup at the opening of the ear canal, it can be gently cleaned with a pinky finger covered with a washcloth. 

Dr. Kesser advises against using at-home ear irrigation kits and strongly discourages ear candling. This practice has no proven benefits and can lead to burns or further impaction.

When to Seek Professional Cleaning?

Dr. Kesser and Dr. Schofield agree that professional evaluation and cleaning by an ENT specialist are preferable for individuals with significant wax buildup or symptoms of impaction. 

Symptoms such as hearing loss, a sensation of fullness in the ear, or discomfort warrant a visit to a healthcare provider. This is especially important for those who use hearing aids or earbuds frequently, as they are more prone to wax buildup.

Educating the Public on Ear Care

Both doctors stress the importance of public education on proper ear care. Misconceptions about earwax and the safety of cotton swabs persist, leading to preventable complications. 

By understanding the natural functions of the ear and adhering to safe cleaning practices, individuals can avoid harm and maintain healthy ear function.

Wrap up

The study and expert opinions discussed here highlight a critical reevaluation of common ear-cleaning practices. Cotton swabs and at-home irrigation kits, rather than helping, can actually complicate ear health.

The takeaway is clear: less is often more regarding ear care, and professional guidance is crucial when issues arise. As we move away from invasive cleaning habits, we can better protect our ear health and overall well-being.


The information is taken from USA Today and Yahoo News

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