Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation? 6 Critical Side Effects

Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation

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Almond milk is the best alternative milk in the United States. People love it because it is good for them and has few calories. Most people agree that it’s helpful. But does almond milk cause constipation? The question arises because almond milk made for sale can cause digestive problems.

Natural almond milk doesn’t make you feel backed up. Almonds have fiber and magnesium, which are natural laxatives when made into milk. Even so, carrageenan is added to almond milk sold in stores. It makes the milk thicker and may make you feel like you can’t poop.

So, does almond milk help people who are constipated? It depends on who takes the milk and how they do it. When they drink the same milk, different things can happen to adults, toddlers, and babies. Read this article if you want to know more about the pros and cons of almond milk.

What is Constipation?


Having fewer than three bowel movements per week is a common symptom of constipation.

Constipation is a common problem, but for some people, it’s a chronic issue that gets in the way of their daily lives. People with chronic constipation may also strain unnecessarily when evacuating their bowels.

Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

Constipation has these signs and symptoms:

  • Having less than three bowel movements a week.
  • Having stools that are lumpy or hard.
  • Trying hard to go to the bathroom.
  • Feeling like a blockage in your rectum keeps you from going to the bathroom.
  • You feel like you can’t get the stool out of your rectum.
  • Use your hands to press on your stomach and a finger to remove stool from your rectum because you need help to empty your rectum.

You may have chronic constipation if you have had two or more of these symptoms for at least three months.

Almond Milk: What Do You Know

almond milk

Almond milk is an alternative to milk made from almonds and plants. It is a popular choice for people who can’t handle lactose, is vegan, or want milk that doesn’t come from cows. Almond milk has a creamy texture and a mildly nutty flavor, which makes it a useful ingredient for cooking, baking, and adding flavor to cereals, smoothies, and hot drinks.

Compared to cow’s milk, almond milk has fewer calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat. It has good fats, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin E. But it has less protein and calcium than cow’s milk. Some commercial brands are fortified with extra nutrients to make up for this.

Nutrition Values of Almond Milk

The values provided are for one cup (240 ml) of unsweetened almond milk:

  • Calories: 30-50 kcal
  • Protein: 1-2 g
  • Total Fat: 2.5-3.5 g a. Saturated Fat: 0-0.5 g b. Unsaturated Fat: 2-3 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 1-3 g a. Dietary Fiber: 0-1 g b. Sugars: 0-1 g
  • Calcium: 300-450 mg (if fortified)
  • Vitamin D: 2.5-3.5 mcg (if fortified)
  • Vitamin E: 6-7.5 mg
  • Potassium: 150-200 mg
  • Magnesium: 15-20 mg
  • Sodium: 120-180 mg

Please note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on the specific brand and product. Always check the nutrition label on the packaging for accurate information.

Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

Most people who can’t digest lactose have trouble going to the bathroom when they drink milk. People who want to eliminate constipation often switch from regular milk to almond or flaxseed milk. Almond milk is the most popular of these two plant-based kinds of milk and is used by many people.

But does almond milk help people with constipation? Almonds are full of fiber and glutamine, which help keep your digestive system healthy.

So, almond milk, which is high in fiber and glutamine, does not cause constipation. But if the fiber is taken out of almond milk during processing, it can make people have trouble going to the bathroom.

Why Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

Almonds have a lot of fiber and magnesium in them. Fiber and magnesium help relieve constipation by making stools less hard. Eating almonds can help keep you from getting constipated.

On the other hand, almond milk is made from ground almonds and water that have been filtered. During filtration, most of the fiber and magnesium in the almonds stay with the pulp that is left over. This lack of an essential nutrient in almond milk is why people get constipated.

Also, dairy milk has a lot of calcium, but almond milk loses all of its calcium when it is strained. Calcium carbonate is added to commercial almond milk to make it more like dairy milk.

This calcium carbonate in commercial almond milk can also make you feel constipated. Studies have shown calcium supplements, especially calcium carbonate, are linked to constipation.

Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation in Adults?

Manufacturers often add preservatives, sugar, or substitutes to improve flavor and extend storage life. These irritants can lead to digestive problems like constipation.

Manufacturer milk also has other nutrients, like calcium, that can obstruct the bowels. The absence of calcium carbonate from almond milk shouldn’t cause any issues. However, the kidneys may become blocked due to the surplus of calcium.

Almond extract milk may also cause constipation in people allergic to tree nuts.

Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation in Toddlers?

breastfeeding mom and baby

Almond milk is loaded with healthy nutrients and is gentle on the digestive system. However, according to those trained in medicine, it does not meet the criteria for milk. Therefore, infants and toddlers shouldn’t be given almond milk to drink.

Almond extract milk could cause constipation in young children because the stomachs of toddlers and young children are particularly sensitive to foods high in fiber.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation in Babies?

Milk made from almond extract has several advantages over cow’s milk. Despite this, almond extract milk should not be relied upon as a replacement for breast milk.

It’s possible that a baby’s developing digestive system won’t be able to handle the weight of the dietary fibers in almond milk. It may cause digestive problems, including severe constipation.

The additives in producing almond milk for the commercial market are unsafe for infants.

Can Almond Milk Cause Bloating and Constipation?

Almond milk is often considered a milder alternative to dairy milk that is easy to digest. But everyone reacts differently to almond milk, and some people may get gassy or have trouble going to the bathroom after drinking it.

Bloating: Some people may be sensitive to natural sugars or additives in almond milk, which could make them feel bloated. Also, almond milk has a small amount of fiber, which can cause some people to feel bloated if they drink a lot. But almond milk isn’t likely to make most people bloated in a big way.

Constipation: Almond milk doesn’t cause constipation very often because it has less fiber than whole almonds. But if you drink almond milk instead of other fiber-rich foods or drinks, it could cause you to eat less fiber overall, leading to constipation. Eating a balanced diet with different kinds of fiber is important for healthy digestion.

If almond milk makes you feel bloated or stops you from going to the bathroom, try other plant-based milk like soy, oat, or rice, which may be better for your digestive system. See a doctor to rule out any underlying diseases or intolerances if the symptoms don’t disappear.

Does Almond Milk Yogurt Cause Constipation?

almond milk yogurt

No, almond milk yogurt doesn’t cause constipation most of the time. Natural milk has more protein than almond milk. And because almond milk yogurt has fewer probiotic bacteria because it has less protein.

If someone can’t handle lactose, yogurt is the best way to get the nutrition they need. Since almond milk is low in protein and calcium, yogurt made from it will be less likely to make you constipated.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation When Breastfeeding?

Because of several things, many women are more likely to have constipation after giving birth and while breastfeeding.

Things like less movement, painkillers, stress, not getting enough sleep, and other things can make you more likely to get constipated, but dehydration is likely the biggest problem.

If you don’t drink enough, you’re much more likely to get constipated, and it’s easy to forget about your own needs when you have a new baby.

You can drink almond milk, but the best way to stay hydrated without making things worse is to drink plain water.

If you are already prone to constipation from giving birth and breastfeeding, you might want to avoid almond milk.

How to Relieve Constipation Caused By Almond Milk

Constipation is a problem that most people can treat the same way, no matter what causes it. You can usually treat mild constipation at home if you don’t want to use over-the-counter medicines or see a doctor.

As mentioned above, eating more fiber is one of the best ways to deal with constipation. This will help you go to the bathroom more often and reduce the chance of constipation and its severity.

Several studies have shown that eating a lot of fiber makes bowel movements easier and more normal, so this is a good choice.

You should also drink a lot of water because studies have shown that insufficient fluids can cause constipation.

Drink a lot of water daily to stay hydrated, and don’t use almond milk to rehydrate, especially if it makes you constipated.

The same study also says that not moving enough can cause constipation, so you may find that being active and moving around helps. Make an effort to do something physical daily, which may help with constipation.

Benefits of Almond Milk

benefits of almond milk

Is it true that almond milk is healthy? The question is frequently asked. We compiled the best reasons why almond milk is good for you and came up with the following:

Preserves Cardiac Health

Almond milk is a healthy alternative for those who dislike it because it has no cholesterol or saturated fat. High blood pressure and heart disease can be avoided thanks to almond milk’s abundance of healthy fats like omega fatty acids.

Excellent for your Skin and Bones

Calcium helps bones. If you’re lactose intolerant, almond milk has 30% calcium. Almond milk can also reduce arthritis and osteoporosis risk. Almond milk is great for smoothies and tea. Almond milk contains vitamin E, which makes your skin glow. Antioxidants in the drink fight inflammation and make your skin glow. Almond milk also blocks UV rays.

Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check

It can be challenging for diabetics to consume milk without sugar. Almond milk’s carbohydrate content is just right, allowing the body to use it to produce the “good sugar” used for energy. Almond milk is a great alternative to dairy milk when caring for your heart.

Keep Your Digestion in Check

A healthy digestive system depends on adequate fiber intake, which almonds provide in abundance. Constipation and other intestinal problems can be alleviated, and a healthy digestive system can be maintained with the help of almond milk’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Side Effects of Almond Milk

While almond milk is generally safe for most people, some may experience side effects due to various factors, such as allergies, sensitivities, or over-consumption. Here are six potential side effects of almond milk:

  1. Allergic reactions: Almond milk is made from almonds and tree nuts. People with a tree nut allergy can have severe reactions, including itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis. If you have a nut allergy, avoid almond milk and choose a nut-free alternative like soy, oat, or rice milk.

  2. Bloating and gas: Some people may be sensitive to components in almond milk, such as natural sugars or additives like carrageenan, which could cause bloating and gas. If you experience these symptoms, consider trying a different brand or alternative plant-based milk.

  3. Constipation: While almond milk is not a common cause of constipation, replacing fiber-rich foods or beverages with almond milk could decrease overall fiber intake, leading to constipation. Ensure you maintain a balanced diet with a variety of fiber sources.

  4. Hormonal imbalances: Some studies have suggested that almonds contain phytoestrogens, which are compounds that can mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. However, the levels of phytoestrogens in almond milk are generally low, and consuming almond milk in moderation is unlikely to cause significant hormonal imbalances.

  5. Drug interactions: Almond milk contains moderate amounts of minerals like magnesium and potassium, which could potentially interfere with certain medications, such as blood pressure medications or diuretics. If you take these medications, consult your healthcare provider before consuming large amounts of almond milk.

  6. Nutrient deficiencies: While almond milk contains some vitamins and minerals, it is lower in protein and calcium than cow’s milk. Suppose you rely heavily on almond milk as your primary source. In that case, you may need to ensure you’re getting adequate nutrients from other sources or choose fortified almond milk to prevent deficiencies.

Remember that most people can enjoy almond milk without experiencing these side effects, but it’s important to pay attention to your body’s reactions and adjust your consumption accordingly.

The Bottom Line

Does almond milk cause constipation? Usually not. However, processed almond milk may contain additives irritating the intestines and leading to constipation.

To ensure your child is still getting all the nutrients they need to grow and develop while switching to non-dairy milk like almond milk, we recommend consulting with your child’s pediatrician or scheduling a consultation with me.


Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not comprehensive and should not be used to make health or well-being decisions. Consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about a medical condition, treatment options, or health regimen. This website or the content should never replace professional medical advice.

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