Employee Monitoring Software: A Quick Primer

Employee monitoring software has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years. Not only is this due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of remote work, but also because many employers recognize the benefits it brings to the table.

In this quick primer, you’ll get a glimpse of what employee monitoring is, what it can do, and the benefits it provides.

“What is Employee Monitoring Software?”

To put it simply, employee monitoring software is any software that is used to track what employees are doing and gather data related to their performance. However, the exact scope of the data that is gathered can vary significantly from one software to the next.

A popular monitoring software for employees like Controlio, for example, can track time spent working, web and app usage, emails and IM sessions, keystrokes, and much more. On top of its comprehensive monitoring, it has other features too – such as customizable monitoring profiles for individuals or groups of employees, behavior rules and alerts, screen capture, and in-depth reports and analytics.

Not all monitoring software would have these features, however, which is why it is important to figure out what you need out of it before choosing a software to use.

Benefits of Employee Monitoring

Nowadays, employee monitoring software is used for numerous different purposes, each one based on the benefits it can provide. Some of the more common benefits that often convince employers to make use of it include:

  • Tracking attendance and work hours

Instead of manually tracking attendance or u sing systems like punch cards, employee monitoring software offer a more automated option. As soon as employees log in their attendance can be recorded and the hours they spend working will be tracked.

The tracking available in Controlio is far more detailed than just that and will let you keep tabs on what employees are up too at any given time. That includes what apps they’re using, whether they’re active or idle, and if they’re wasting any time.

  • Measuring objective employee performance data

With the data from monitoring software, you’ll have a way to objectively measure your employees’ performance and efficiency. This will enable you to identify any issues and act on them.

Using the reports and analytics in Controlio is an easy way to take advantage of this benefit. At any time, you can access detailed reports in its dashboard, or you can have scheduled reports emailed to you. It also will calculate a productivity score for employees so you can compare their performance quickly and conveniently.

  • Task and project management

Another benefit of having detailed monitoring data is it will let you manage tasks and projects more effectively. That includes optimizing task distribution based on the strengths of your employees, as well as tracking the progress on projects and intervening when necessary.

For example, if one employee likes a particular type of task and the monitoring data shows that they complete it far more quickly than others – you can assign more of that type of task to them. Similarly, if a project is falling behind and at risk of not meeting the deadline, you’ll know immediately and can figure out whether tasks need to be redistributed or more help is required.

  • Data security

The features of employee monitoring software can have a huge impact on data security. With them, you’ll be able to know who accessed certain data, and track any signs of potential data breaches, such as file transfers, USB drive usage, and communication via email or instant messaging.

In Controlio you’ll not only be able to track all that but can also capture keystrokes, screenshots and videos if necessary. This will give you the ability to scrutinize employees more closely if there are any signs of a potential risk to data security.

All in all these benefits can translate to an increase in overall productivity, performance, and security – which is the main reason employee monitoring software is so popular. While there are certainly ethical and privacy concerns surrounding it too, the fact of the matter is that most of those issues can be solved if you’re proactive about it, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of employee monitoring software while minimizing the risks associated with it.

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