CBD for Tinnitus: Benefits, Side Effects, Tips, and More [Best Guide]

CBD for Tinnitus

Facing the daily disruptions of tinnitus can be a challenging experience. It’s estimated that 15% to 20% of people will eventually deal with this common condition. In our comprehensive guide, we’ll explore whether CBD for Tinnitus, a trending natural remedy, might provide relief and other potential ways it could assist those coping with such issues.

Ready? Dive into an intriguing journey on managing tinnitus more effectively!

Content Highlights

  • Tinnitus means hearing sounds in the ears or head without any external source. It can happen due to age-related hearing loss or damage from loud noises.
  • Traditional treatment options for tinnitus include therapy, hearing aids, surgery, drugs, masking devices, and lifestyle changes. However, these approaches may not work for everyone and do not address the underlying hearing loss problem.
  • CBD (cannabidiol) has shown promise in reducing inflammation and pain associated with tinnitus. It may also provide relaxation and stress relief while improving sleep quality for individuals with tinnitus.
  • More research is needed to understand how CBD affects tinnitus and its potential benefits. Consult with a physician before using CBD, especially if you take other medications. The lack of regulation in the CBD industry poses safety concerns, so buying medicines from reputable sources that provide third-party lab testing results is essential.

What is Tinnitus?

tinnitus ringing from brain

Tinnitus is the experience of hearing ringing, buzzing, or other sounds without any external source. It’s a fairly common problem that affects around 15-20% of people. Although tinnitus isn’t fully understood, it’s thought to be related to some type of change in nerve activity or damage that causes false signals to be sent to the brain.

The sounds of tinnitus can vary from person to person. Some hear ringing, while others hear clicking, roaring, pulsing, or music. The pitch and volume can also differ. Tinnitus may be constant, or it may come and go.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Tinnitus isn’t a condition itself — it’s a symptom of an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder.”

While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are ways to manage it. Sound therapy using external noise to mask the tinnitus, hearing aids, counseling, relaxation techniques, and other methods can provide relief from symptoms. As Dr. Jennifer Gans, an ear, nose, and throat specialist, explains, “Tinnitus is very real and can impact day-to-day functioning. But there are many effective strategies we can offer patients to help them live better with tinnitus.”

The key is working with your doctor to find the right approach to managing your case. With time and patience, most people find they can tune out the sounds and significantly improve their quality of life.

Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a problem that makes you hear noise in your ears. The sound can be loud or soft, high or low pitch. It may be there all the time or come and go. Some people compare it to hissing, humming, clicking, or buzzing.

  • Ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, or hissing in the ears – This is the hallmark symptom of tinnitus and is usually subjective (only heard by the person affected). It can occur in one or both ears.
  • Persistent noise – The phantom sounds of tinnitus are ongoing and constant rather than intermittent. They can last for minutes or hours or be continuous.
  • Lack of external source – The noises are perceived even though no external sound or device is creating them. Examining the ears reveals no objective cause.
  • Pitch and volume changes – The intensity, pitch, and quality of tinnitus sounds often vary. Some people hear multiple phantom noises at once.
  • Difficulty sleeping – Many people with tinnitus have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to the persistent internal noises.
  • Concentration problems – Severe tinnitus makes it harder to focus, work, or engage in conversations amid the distracting ear noises.
  • Anxiety and distress – The constant disruptive noises can lead to frustration, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in some individuals.
  • Hearing loss – Tinnitus is often accompanied by some degree of actual hearing loss, typically in the same ear(s) where noises are heard.

If you experience any persistent phantom noises in your ears, seeing an audiologist or ENT doctor is important to have your tinnitus properly evaluated and diagnosed. The earlier treatment is started, the better the outcome.

Treatment Options for Tinnitus

Traditional approaches include medication, counseling, and sound therapy. However, these options have limitations. Discover the potential of CBD as a treatment for tinnitus in the next section.

Traditional Approaches

Treating tinnitus takes many steps. Each step is a part of the traditional ways to deal with it.

  1. Therapy: This helps you learn how to handle the noise in your ears.
  2. Hearing aids: These can help if you also have trouble hearing.
  3. Surgery: In some cases, this is needed to fix the problem.
  4. Drugs: Some drugs may ease the noise, but they might also have side effects.
  5. Masking devices: These make a sound that covers up the noise in your ears.
  6. Lifestyle changes: You may need to avoid loud noises and get good sleep.

Current Limitations

Not all treatments work for tinnitus. Pills and surgery often don’t help. The sound in the ears or head won’t stop for some people, even after treatment. It can be hard to live with.

In most cases, a cure for tinnitus is not found. Doctors focus on helping to manage the noise. But these ways do not deal with the main problem of hearing loss. So, many are left still dealing with tinnitus after they get care. In addition, you can also read an article on- Unveiling the Science Behind CBD Vape Juice: A Deeper Dive into Cannabidiol Vaporization

Can CBD for Tinnitus Work?

CBD for Tinnitus

Research has shown promising potential for CBD in treating tinnitus, offering relief from inflammation, pain, and stress. Learn more about the benefits and safety considerations of using CBD for tinnitus.

Understanding CBD and its Effects

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC, it does not cause a “high” feeling. CBD is widely known among people for its potential health benefits. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and may have anti-inflammatory and calming effects.

However, research on CBD is still limited, especially when it comes to tinnitus. Some studies suggest that CBD might neutralize tinnitus symptoms in animals, but no concrete evidence supports its effectiveness in humans.

More study is needed to fully understand how CBD affects tinnitus and whether it can provide any relief or help manage related side effects like anxiety and sleeplessness.

Research on CBD for Tinnitus

Research on the use of CBD for tinnitus is still limited, and there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Some animal studies have shown that CBD neutralizes tinnitus, while others suggest that a combination of CBD and THC might worsen it.

However, anecdotal reports from individuals with tinnitus suggest that using CBD may provide some relief. It’s crucial to note that you need more study to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of using CBD for tinnitus.

Potential Benefits of CBD for Tinnitus

CBD has proven records in reducing inflammation and pain, relieving relaxation and stress, and improving sleep quality for individuals with tinnitus. To learn more about how CBD can help with tinnitus, continue reading.

Reduction of Inflammation and Pain

CBD has been associated with anti-inflammatory effects, which means it may help reduce inflammation and pain that can be experienced with tinnitus. It is essential because inflammation in the ear can contribute to developing and progressing tinnitus symptoms.

CBD’s potential ability to reduce inflammation could relieve individuals suffering from tinnitus-related discomfort. Additionally, CBD is neuroprotective, meaning it may protect against nerve damage in cases of chronic tinnitus.

Although more research is needed, some people have reported finding relief from their tinnitus symptoms using CBD products.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

CBD has shown promise in providing relaxation and stress relief for individuals with tinnitus. The continuous ringing in the ears can cause significant anxiety and stress, making it difficult to relax or find peace of mind.

CBD might help alleviate these symptoms by working with the brain’s receptors that regulate mood and anxiety. By decreasing feelings of stress and promoting a sense of calm, CBD can provide much-needed relief for those struggling with tinnitus-related anxiety.

In addition, CBD has been found to improve sleep quality, often disrupted by tinnitus. Better sleep not only enhances overall well-being but also contributes to reduced stress levels. Additionally, you can also read about- Broad-Spectrum CBD Products: Understanding Their Unique Therapeutic Potential 

Improvement in Sleep Quality

CBD may positively impact improving sleep quality for individuals with tinnitus. It is common for tinnitus sufferers to experience problems sleeping or staying asleep due to the constant ringing in their ears.

CBD’s calming and soothing properties can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, leading to better sleep. By using CBD, individuals with tinnitus may find relief from the sleep disturbances caused by their condition, allowing them to get the rest they need.

Potential Risks and Safety Concerns

CBD might cause side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, and changes in appetite, although these are typically mild. It is vital to consult with a physician before using CBD, especially if you take other medications, as there may be potential interactions.

Additionally, the lack of regulation and quality control in the CBD industry poses a safety concern, so purchasing CBD products from reputable sources that offer third-party lab testing results is crucial.

Side Effects and Interactions

CBD is mainly considered safe for most people and unlikely to cause any side effects. Some mild side effects have been reported with CBD use, such as weight loss or gain.

It’s important to note that a combination of CBD and THC may worsen tinnitus symptoms based on animal-based research. Additionally, there have been reports of drug-drug interactions and adverse effects in human studies involving CBD for epilepsy and psychiatric disorders.

These interactions could lead to hepatic abnormalities, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, and other adverse effects. While limited studies suggest a potential association between cannabis use and tinnitus as a side effect, more research is needed in this area before any definitive conclusions can be made.

Lack of Regulation and Quality Control

The lack of regulation and quality control is a concern when it comes to CBD products. Since the cannabis industry is still relatively new and constantly evolving, there are no standardized regulations in place for CBD manufacturing and labeling.

It means that the quality and potency of CBD products can vary significantly from one brand to another. Without proper regulation, consumers may not be getting what they think they are buying, which can be risky for those using CBD for tinnitus or other health conditions.

Additionally, the lack of quality control means that there may be contaminants or impurities present in some CBD products, further compromising their safety and efficacy. It’s important to purchase CBD products from reputable sources that prioritize third-party testing and provide transparent information about their manufacturing processes to ensure you get a high-quality product. If you want, you can also read- Unlock the Beauty Benefits of CBD Products

Choosing the Right CBD Product for Tinnitus

CBD Product for Tinnitus

When selecting a CBD product for tinnitus, it is essential to consider the types of CBD products available and ensure purchasing from reputable sources.

Types of CBD Things

There are different types of CBD products available. Here are a few examples:

  • CBD Oil: This is the most common form. Take it orally or apply it topically.
  • CBD Capsules: These are pre-measured doses of CBD in capsule form that can be swallowed with water.
  • CBD Gummies: These are edible candies infused with CBD, making them a convenient and tasty option.
  • CBD Creams and Lotions: You can apply these topical products directly to the skin for localized relief.
  • CBD Vape Pens: These devices heat CBD oil, allowing it to be inhaled as vapor.

Importance of Purchasing from Reputable Sources

Purchasing them from trustworthy sources is crucial to ensure you get high-quality CBD products. Why? Doing so lets you have peace of mind, knowing that the product has undergone proper testing and meets quality standards.

By buying from reputable places, such as well-established CBD brands or licensed dispensaries, you can be confident that what you’re getting is safe and reliable. It helps protect yourself against potential risks like harmful contaminants or inaccurate labeling.

So, always research and choose trusted sources when purchasing CBD for tinnitus or other health conditions.

How to Use CBD for Tinnitus

[Video Credits @Treble Health]

It is important to follow dosage guidelines and select the appropriate method of administration to use CBD for tinnitus.

Dosage Guidelines

CBD dosage guidelines can vary depending on several factors. Choose the correct dose for individual needs. When using CBD for tinnitus, consider the following dosage guidelines:

  • Start with a Low Dose: Begin with a low dosage of CBD and gradually increase it until you find the optimal amount that works for you.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: It is recommended to consult with a physician who has experience with CBD to determine the exact dosage for your specific situation.
  • Consider Body Weight: Factors such as body weight can influence the effectiveness of CBD. A general advice is to take 1-6 mg of CBD/ 10 pounds of body weight.
  • Start with Smaller Increments: If you are still determining the ideal dosage, start with smaller increments and gradually increase until you achieve the desired results.
  • Monitor Effects: Pay attention to how your body responds to different dosages and adjust accordingly. Everyone’s response to CBD can vary, so finding your dosage may take trial and error.

Methods of Administration

Methods of administration for CBD include:

  1. Oral Dosage: CBD can be taken orally in capsules, tablets, or edibles. It allows for easy and convenient consumption.
  2. Sublingual Administration: CBD oil can be kept under the tongue for fast absorption into the bloodstream. This method bypasses digestion and allows for more immediate effects.
  3. Inhalation: CBD can be inhaled through vaping or smoking. This method provides quick absorption as it goes directly into the lungs and is rapidly distributed throughout the body.
  4. Topical Application: CBD-infused creams, lotions, and balms can be used directly on the skin to target specific areas of discomfort or inflammation.
  5. Transdermal patches are used on the skin and slowly release CBD over time, providing long-lasting relief.

Other Complementary Approaches for Tinnitus

Some other complementary approaches for tinnitus include sound therapy and making lifestyle changes.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a treatment option for tinnitus that has shown promise in reducing symptoms. It involves using soothing sounds to help mask or distract from the ringing or buzzing sensation.

Research suggests that sound therapy can effectively suppress tinnitus in some individuals, providing relief from its distressing effects. Different types of good treatment are available, including masking and habituation techniques.

Masking involves playing external sounds that help cover up the ringing, while habituation aims to retrain the brain’s response to tinnitus over time. Background sound is also used in sound therapy to decrease the perception of tinnitus and promote relaxation. 

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Lifestyle Changes

Making specific lifestyle changes can help improve the symptoms of tinnitus. Here are some adjustments you can consider:

  1. Manage stress: Engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation to reduce stress levels.
  2. Avoid loud noises: Protect your ears by wearing earplugs or earmuffs when exposed to noisy environments, such as concerts or construction sites.
  3. Limit caffeine and alcohol: These substances can worsen tinnitus symptoms for some people, so reducing their consumption is best.
  4. Get regular exercise: Physical activity can improve blood circulation, which may benefit tinnitus sufferers.
  5. Have a balanced diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support overall ear health.
  6. Consider sound therapy: Using background noise, such as calming music or white noise machines, can help mask the ringing sounds of tinnitus.


While CBD shows promise in helping with anxiety-related symptoms of tinnitus, more research is needed to understand its effectiveness fully. It’s vital to consult with a physician before using CBD for tinnitus.

Additionally, THCA, another cannabinoid found in cannabis, may have similar benefits, but further studies are necessary. Always prioritize safety and quality when choosing CBD products and consider other complementary approaches for managing tinnitus. Additionally, you can also read about- CBD Gummies for Sex – Does It Really Work [2023 Updated]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you want to know more about CBD for Tinnitus cure, check the answers below.

1. Can CBD help with tinnitus?

CBD may help with tinnitus by reducing inflammation and relieving associated symptoms, but further research is needed to understand its effectiveness.

2. Are there any side effects of using CBD for tinnitus?

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some people might have side effects like fatigue, diarrhea, or changes in appetite when using it for tinnitus or other conditions.

3. How should I take CBD for tinnitus?

The appropriate dosage and method of taking CBD for tinnitus can differ from person to person. It’s best to consult a physician who can provide personalized recommendations based on your needs.

4. Is THC (THCA) effective in treating tinnitus?

There isn’t enough scientific evidence to support the use of THC or THCA specifically for treating tinnitus at this time. Research into their effectiveness and potential side effects is ongoing.

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