What is the Biggest Alligator in the World? How Big Can They Get?

What is the Biggest Alligator in the World

Do you know what is the biggest alligator in the world? Have you ever wondered about the giants lurking in rivers and swamps? Many are curious about how big alligators can get. It’s a typical query, especially among those who find these prehistoric predators fascinating.

One interesting fact to note is that the largest alligator on record measures an astounding 15 feet in length and weighs over 1,000 pounds.

In this blog post, I will examine some of the most enormous alligators ever recorded, including famous ones like Big Tex and the Mandy Stokes alligator. I will let you know what is the biggest alligator in the world, where they were found, and stories about them that capture our imagination.

Whether you’re an avid gator hunter or simply interested in learning more about these impressive creatures, there’s something here for you. Read on to find out more!

What is the Biggest Alligator in the World?

Alligators come in various sizes, some big enough to make you blink twice. We’ve got record-breakers that stretch longer than a pickup truck and weigh more than a small car.

Record-holding Alligators by Length

Let’s know what is the biggest alligator in the world. We’ll focus on the ones that have set records for their size. Here’s a closer look at some of the longest alligators ever caught or recorded:

Alligator Name Length Location Who caught It?
Big Tex Nearly 14 feet Texas N/A
Arkansas Alligator 13 feet, 9 inches Arkansas Drew Baker
Florida Alligator #1 14 feet Florida Lane Stephens
Florida Alligator #2 16 feet, 3.5 inches Florida Robert Ammerman
Mandy Stokes Alligator 19 feet, 2 inches Alabama Mandy Stokes

These giants show us just how big alligators can get. From Texas to Alabama, these creatures have surprised many with their size. Mandy Stokes’ alligator takes the top spot. It measured an incredible 19 feet, 2 inches. This makes it the longest alligator ever recorded. Each of these record-holders tells a story. They remind us of the amazing creatures that live in our waters.

Record-holding Alligators by Weight

What is the biggest alligator in the world? When it comes to alligators, their size can be quite stunning. Here, we take a look at some of the heavyweight champions in the world of alligators. Using data and records, we can see just how impressive these creatures are by their weight.

Name of Catcher Weight of Alligator
Corey Capps 1,008 pounds
Mandy Stokes 1,011.5 pounds
Drew Baker More than 1,100 pounds
Mike Cottingham 1,380 pounds

As shown in the table, these catchers have landed some of the most massive alligators recorded. Corey Capps captured an alligator that weighed in at 1,008 pounds. Not too far ahead, Mandy Stokes made a catch weighing 1,011.5 pounds, showcasing the incredible size these creatures can reach.

Drew Baker’s catch tips the scales at more than 1,100 pounds, a weight that few can even dream of when it comes to alligators. Mike Cottingham tops the chart with the heaviest gator documented, an astonishing 1,380 pounds. This weight sets a record, signifying the upper limits of how large these reptiles can grow.

These alligators are not just big; they are true giants of their habitats, showing the potential for what wild creatures can achieve in terms of size. Additionally, you can also read about Luxury Wildlife Holidays.

Specific Cases of the Largest Alligators

What is the biggest alligator in the world? Let’s talk about two giant alligators that made history. First, there’s the Mandy Stokes alligator. This huge creature set a record and surprised even experienced gator hunters. Then we have the Mike Cottingham alligator.

It also amazed people with its size during a hunting season in Texas. Both cases show just how big these predators can get in the wild.

[Video credit @ABC7] 

Mandy Stokes Alligator

Mandy Stokes and her team caught the biggest American alligator on record in Alabama. This giant was 15 feet, 9 inches long. It tipped the scales at a massive 1,011.5 pounds. Their catch shows just how large these creatures can get.

This huge gator became famous across the country. Hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and scientists took notice. The Mandy Stokes alligator pushed limits and set a new standard for what we know about American alligators’ size potential.

Mike Cottingham Alligator

Mike Cottingham made history by catching the world’s heaviest alligator. This giant weighed an impressive 1,380 pounds. It’s a record that still stands today. The catch wasn’t just about size—it showed the power and might of these apex predators.

People rarely see alligators this large, making Mike’s find extraordinary.

His accomplishment highlights not only his skill as an alligator trapper but also the challenges involved in dealing with such large wild animals. Records like these draw attention to the fascinating world of alligators, both Mississippians and sinensis types, and their role in nature as top hunters.

You May Find Interest: 25 Animals that Don’t Sleep at Night


Now you know what is the biggest alligator in the world. The biggest alligator ever found is the Mandy Stokes alligator. This giant measured 15 feet 9 inches and weighed over a thousand pounds. It beats other big ones in both length and weight.

From swamps in Florida to rivers in Mississippi, these creatures show just how large they can grow. Finding such huge gators tells us much about their lives and habitats.

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