Surge in Raw Milk Consumption Raises Public Health Concerns

Surge in Raw Milk Consumption Health Concerns

Interest in raw milk is surging, with several states moving to legalize its sale despite longstanding health warnings. Delaware, Iowa, and Louisiana have recently passed or considered legislation to legalize the commercial sale of raw milk. 

This shift challenges the traditional practice of pasteurizing milk, a process that eliminates harmful bacteria and prevents severe foodborne illnesses.

The Rise of Raw Milk

Raw milk, which is milk that has not undergone pasteurization, is being touted by enthusiasts for its purported health benefits. Proponents claim that raw milk contains more nutrients, intact enzymes, and probiotics and is even tolerable for people with lactose intolerance. However, these claims contradict established scientific evidence and public health norms.

“Raw dairy evangelists repeat the claims that due to the lack of pasteurization and homogenization, it contains more nutrients, intact enzymes, probiotics and that even people with lactose intolerance can tolerate raw milk,” said Emily Van Eck, MS, RD, a registered dietitian. “These claims go directly against well-established science and norms in the food industry.”

Differences and Health Risks

Raw milk is often marketed as fresh, natural, unprocessed, and safe. However, it carries a higher risk of foodborne illnesses due to the potential presence of dangerous pathogens like salmonella and E. coli.

Pasteurization, which involves heating milk to 161 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 15 seconds, is a critical process that kills these harmful microorganisms.

“Because it has not been treated with heat to rid it of microorganisms, raw milk consumption can spread dangerous pathogens, including bacteria, that can result in serious disease or death,” said Maddie Pasquariello, MS, RDN.

Why Interest in Raw Milk is Growing

Despite more than a century of mainstream acceptance of pasteurization’s health and safety benefits, raw milk is trending. Experts attribute this to financial gain, social media influence, the desire to eat more “naturally,” and a growing lack of trust in government institutions.

“Trending practices in nutrition go together like peanut butter and jelly,” said Kathleen Garcia-Benson, RDN. “Every few months, a new topic of interest grabs hold of people’s attention — and wallets.”

Social media plays a significant role in the popularity of raw milk. Wellness influencers often post compelling testimonials that go viral, creating an illusion of safety and legitimacy. This, combined with a general desire for less processed foods and increased interest in homemaking, has contributed to the trend.

“A primary driver of the raw milk trend is financial gain,” said Pasquariello. “For some spreading disinformation, content around raw milk is clickbait designed to boost engagement, ultimately helping these creators’ content appear more highly in their communities’ algorithms. This earns them money and clout.”

Common Myths About Raw Milk

Several myths about raw milk contribute to its rising popularity. One common myth is that pasteurization decreases milk’s nutritional value. However, experts agree that pasteurization does not significantly reduce the vitamin or mineral content of milk.

“There is no significant decrease in the vitamin or mineral content during pasteurization, including the B vitamins influencers claim we lose when we pasteurize milk,” said Pasquariello.

Another myth is that people who are lactose intolerant can drink raw milk safely. This claim is false, as lactose is present in all milk, regardless of pasteurization. Fermented dairy is a safer option for those with lactose intolerance because the lactose is partially broken down by bacteria during fermentation.

Health Risks and Misinformation

The most dangerous myth is that consuming raw milk protects against illness. In reality, raw milk increases the risk of contracting foodborne illnesses such as salmonella and E. coli. Even in clean dairy farms, cross-contamination can occur, making raw milk potentially hazardous.

“Raw milk puts people at a higher risk of getting sick from salmonella and E. coli,” said Garcia-Benson. “Even in the cleanest of dairy farms, cross-contamination can occur.” Additionally, claims that organic raw milk is safer are misleading. Pathogens can still be present in organic milk and pose a risk to humans.

The Role of Government and Public Trust

Distrust in government institutions, such as the FDA, has also fueled the raw milk trend. A 2023 PEW Research report indicated that fewer than two in 10 Americans trust the government to do the right thing most of the time, creating a fertile ground for misinformation to spread.

“These claims gain more traction in our current era where those vulnerable to fear-mongering are increasingly distrustful of governmental institutions,” said Van Eck.


Despite the rising interest in raw milk, experts stress the importance of consuming pasteurized milk. Pasteurization is a proven method for ensuring milk safety by eliminating harmful pathogens without significantly impacting its nutritional value. 

The allure of raw milk may be driven by financial incentives, social media influence, and a desire for more natural foods. Still, the health risks associated with its consumption are significant and well-documented. To make informed decisions, consumers should rely on accurate, evidence-based information and prioritize safety by choosing pasteurized milk.


The information is taken from USA Today and Healthline

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