10 Surprising Health Benefits of Doing Planks

Health Benefits of Planks

Sometimes, the best exercises for our bodies are the simplest ones, and this is certainly the case with planks. Planks are a highly effective bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the core muscles and engages various other muscle groups.

By adding planks to your fitness routine, you can improve your overall stability, posture, core strength, and more. Here, we break down ten surprising health benefits of doing planks.

1. Planks Are a Full Body Workout

Planks activate the muscles in your arms, legs, and abs, making them a highly efficient exercise for overall fitness. Unlike traditional ab exercises like sit-ups and crunches, planks engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

This full-body activation helps build strength in the biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. By maintaining a plank position, you provide a comprehensive workout that enhances muscle tone and endurance across your entire body.

This multi-muscle engagement strengthens your core and improves overall body stability. Consequently, planks are an excellent addition to any fitness routine aiming for balanced muscle development.

2. Improved Posture

Regularly performing planks can improve posture by strengthening the muscles needed to keep your back straight and shoulders back. Planks target the back, chest, shoulders, neck, and abdominal muscles, all of which are crucial for maintaining a neutral spine.

A strong core and back support better posture, reducing the tendency to slouch. A 2019 study published in the Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development found that participants who did planks on an unstable surface showed marked improvements in posture and alignment.

This exercise helps correct rounded shoulders and enhances overall body alignment, making it easier to maintain good posture throughout the day.

3. Increased Flexibility

One of the lesser-known benefits of planks is their ability to improve flexibility. While holding a plank position, you stretch out various muscle groups, including the hamstrings and the arches of your feet.

This stretching helps lengthen these muscles, enhancing flexibility over time. Improved flexibility can lead to better performance in physical activities and reduce the risk of injuries related to tight muscles.

Planks also help to stretch and expand the shoulders and collarbone area, contributing to greater flexibility in the upper body. This increased range of motion is beneficial for overall physical health and mobility.

4. Improved Athletic Performance

Planking every day strengthens your core muscles, including the transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. A strong core enhances your ability to perform various athletic activities, such as lifting heavier weights, jumping, and sprinting. 

The transverse abdominis, in particular, is crucial for stabilizing your core, which is essential for powerful and efficient movement. Strengthening the rectus abdominis, or the six-pack muscles, improves overall core strength and endurance.

Oblique muscles, targeted during side planks, aid in better twisting and bending movements, which are vital for many sports. Consequently, a strong core improves athletic performance and reduces injury risk.

5. Reduced Risk of Injury

Regularly doing planks enhances support for your back and reduces the risk of spinal injuries. Planks allow you to strengthen your core without putting excessive pressure on your spine, unlike some traditional exercises.

A strong core stabilizes your spine, improving overall balance and reducing the likelihood of injuries. By maintaining a neutral spine position during planks, you train your body to hold proper alignment, which helps prevent back strain.

Strengthened core muscles also support your back during other physical activities, minimizing the risk of injury. As a result, planks are an effective exercise for promoting spinal health and reducing injury risks.

6. Help Treat Low Back Pain

Planks require minimal movement while effectively strengthening your core, making them an excellent exercise for reducing lower back pain. By targeting the muscles that support a neutral spine, planks help alleviate stress on your back. 

Studies have shown that core stabilization exercises like planks are more effective at reducing chronic nonspecific low back pain than regular physical therapy.

Strengthening your core with planks ensures that other muscles do not overcompensate, which can lead to muscle strain and lingering pain. Consequently, incorporating planks into your routine can help manage and prevent lower back pain by enhancing core stability.

7. Boost Your Metabolism

One of the significant benefits of planks is their ability to boost your metabolism. Because planks engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, they increase your energy expenditure even after you finish working out.

By doing planks daily for about 60 seconds, you can enhance your body’s metabolic rate, helping to burn more calories throughout the day. This increased metabolic rate is beneficial for weight management and overall energy levels.

Additionally, a higher metabolic rate means that your body continues to burn calories even at rest, making planks an efficient exercise for maintaining a healthy weight and boosting overall metabolism.

8. Improved Balance

Planks are excellent for improving balance, as they require no equipment and are easy to modify. Maintaining a plank position challenges your core stability and engages your balance muscles. A study found that doing side planks helped reduce spine curvature in scoliosis patients, demonstrating the balance benefits of planks.

Additionally, variations like lifting your free arm while doing a side plank or performing shoulder touches during a high plank can further enhance your balance.

By regularly practicing these variations, you can significantly improve your overall balance and stability, which is essential for daily activities and athletic performance.

9. Boost Your Mental Health

Planks can have a positive impact on your mental health by improving your mood and reducing stress. The exercise stretches out muscles that contribute to stress and tension, particularly if you have a job or activities that involve long hours of sitting or standing.

By easing tension in the hips, shoulders, legs, and pelvis, planks help the mind relax. Additionally, the focus and concentration required to hold a plank position can serve as a form of meditation, promoting mental clarity and reducing anxiety.

As a result, incorporating planks into your routine can enhance physical and psychological well-being.

10. Easy to Modify

Planking can be easily modified to suit your fitness or rehabilitation needs. Increasing the length of time you hold the plank maximizes its benefits, and there are numerous variations to keep the exercise challenging. 

For instance, knee touch planks and walking planks can target different muscle groups and add variety to your routine. Side planks and forearm planks provide additional ways to engage your core and enhance balance. 

These modifications ensure that planking remains effective and adaptable for individuals at all fitness levels. By regularly incorporating different plank variations, you can continue to challenge your muscles and achieve optimal results.

Wrap up

Planks are a brilliant exercise to add to your usual workout routine, warm-up, or cool-down sessions. They offer numerous health benefits, including full-body strengthening, improved posture and flexibility, enhanced athletic performance, reduced risk of injury, and better mental health

Planks are versatile and easy to modify, making them suitable for all fitness levels. Incorporate planks into your daily routine to enjoy these surprising health benefits and improve your overall well-being.


The information is taken from Parade and India Times

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