How Much Is a PO Box at the Post Office: Factors, Cost, and Benefits Explained

how much is a po box at the post office

Having a secure place to receive your mail can sometimes be a puzzle, especially if you’re moving around often or running a small business from home. Maybe you’ve thought about renting a PO Box at the post office but aren’t sure how much it’s going to set you back.

Here’s something interesting: PO Boxes come in five different sizes, catering not just to personal use but also offering solutions for businesses needing more space for their mail.

This article breaks down everything on how much is a PO Box at the Post Office — from the factors that decide how much you pay, such as box size and location, right down to how you can actually go about setting one up.

And yes, we’ll touch on those extra perks that make renting a PO Box worth considering. Stay tuned; this might just solve your mail woes.

What is a Post Office (PO) Box?

A Post Office Box, or PO Box, is a secure and locked mailbox located inside a Postal Service facility. People rent them to receive their mail in this protected spot instead of having it sent directly to their home or business address.

It’s like having a private space for your letters and packages at the post office. This setup keeps your incoming mail safe until you pick it up with your key.

Prices for these boxes start low—at about $4.83 per month—and vary based on several things, including how big the box is and where it’s located. You can pay for your box every 3 months, 6 months, or even a year at once.

If you need more than one mailbox because you get lots of letters or run a small business from multiple locations, there are extra services available too. These options help when you have too much mail that won’t fit in just one box. Additionally, you can also read about- PO Box 98878 Las Vegas NV.

How Much Is a PO Box at the Post Office: Determining Factors

The price you pay for a PO Box can change based on a few things. Think about how big the box is, where it’s found, and how long you want to keep it.

Size of the Box

PO Boxes come in five sizes, from very small to very big. You can pick one based on how much mail you expect to get. A smaller box might be just right if you don’t get a lot of letters or small packages.

But, if you often receive bigger items or lots of mail, think about getting a larger box.

Prices start at $4.83 per month for the smallest size. This makes it easy to choose a box that fits both your needs and your budget. Remember, picking the right size helps avoid crowded mail or needing to upgrade too soon.

Consider what you’ll receive in the mail and select wisely!

Location of the Box

The post office’s location plays a big role in setting the price for a PO Box. In busy areas like cities, prices may be higher because of high demand. On the other hand, in less crowded places, such as small towns, you might find cheaper options.

This is because each area has different costs and needs.

Prices also vary by zip code within the same city. If you’re in a part of the city with lots of businesses or where many people want PO Boxes, expect to pay more. It’s all about supply and demand—the more people who want something and the less there is of it, the higher the price will go.

So when picking a location for your PO Box, think about how much you’re willing to spend versus how convenient you need it to be.

Rental Duration

You can choose to rent your PO Box for 3 months, 6 months, or a full year. The longer you rent it, the less often you have to renew. This gives you options that fit different needs and budgets.

Paying for a longer time usually means fewer trips to update your lease.

Prices change based on how long you keep the box. Renting for a year is cheaper per month than renting for just three months. If you don’t want automatic updates at the end of your leasing period, just let them know.

This helps if you’re not sure how long you’ll need the box or if your budget changes.

Possible Additional Fees

Renting a PO box at the post office comes with a base cost. Yet, there are extra charges you might run into. Here’s a quick look at what these could be:

  1. Lost Keys or Access Cards – If you lose your keys or access card to the PO box, the postal service will charge you to replace them. This ensures you can still get into your mailbox without any trouble.
  2. Making Extra Keys or Access Cards – Need more than what you got? The post office will make extras for a fee. It’s handy if you have others who need to get mail from your box.
  3. Changing the Lock – Sometimes, locks need changing, whether it’s due to security concerns or lost keys too many times. This service does cost extra but keeps your mail safe.
  4. Late Box Renewal – Forgot to pay on time? There’s a late fee for that. Keeping track of your rental period helps avoid this.
  5. Premium PO Box Services – These services offer benefits like using a street address for your box, easier access, and having a signature ready for parcel deliveries. The good news is, these don’t cost more! They come free with certain PO box rentals.
  6. Deposit for Your First Key or Access Card – Initially getting your key or access card might require a deposit, though this isn’t always the case thanks to premium offerings that waive this fee.
  7. Mail Forwarding – Want all your mail sent somewhere else? There’s an option for that, but it will add to your bill.

Understanding these potential fees helps manage costs and avoids surprises later on!

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How to Set Up a PO Box

Setting up a PO Box is simple. You can do it online at or walk into any post office.

Online Setup

Setting up a PO Box online is easy and saves time. You can do it from the comfort of your home.

  1. Visit, the official site of the United States Postal Service. This website has all you need for setting up a new mailbox.
  2. Search for available PO Boxes in your area by entering your zip code. This helps you find a box close to where you live or work.
  3. Choose the size of your PO Box based on what you plan to receive. Sizes range from small enough for letters to large boxes that can fit parcels.
  4. Decide how long you want to rent the mailbox. You can choose from three months up to a year, with options to renew.
  5. Set up an account with if you don’t already have one. You’ll need an email for this step.
  6. Pay for your PO Box using a credit card, debit card, or electronic check online. This makes it quick and secure.
  7. Download or print the form that requires your signature on file for the mailbox agreement.
  8. Finalize your setup by verifying your identity online through e – signature or visit a local post office with two forms of ID.

Now, managing and renewing your PO Box can also be done easily through thanks to their automatic renewal feature and online management tools, letting you stay organized without extra trips to the post office. In addition, you can also read an article on- PO Box 340 Waite Park MN.

In-Person Setup

Setting up a PO Box in person is easy and straightforward. You just need to visit your local post office with the right documents. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Find the nearest post office. Look up the location online or ask around to find where you can rent a PO Box.
  2. Gather necessary documents. Bring identification like a driver’s license or passport, and proof of address, such as a utility bill or lease agreement.
  3. Choose your box size. The postal worker will show you different box sizes ranging from small enough for letters to large enough for parcels.
  4. Decide on the rental period. You can rent a PO Box for three months, six months, or a year at a time.
  5. Pay for your box. Use cash, debit card, money order, or check to make your payment at the post office.
  6. Sign the rental agreement – This form outlines the rules of using your PO Box and confirms your rental period.
  7. Get your keys – After signing, you’ll receive keys to your new PO Box.

Remember, renewals for a PO Box can be done in person as well, making it simple to keep using your box without interruption.

For refunds on active PO Boxes, just ask at the front desk of the post office where you rented it.

The process doesn’t take long – soon enough, you’ll have a private mailbox ready for all your mail security needs!

Benefits of Renting a PO Box

po box at the post office

Renting a PO Box keeps your home location private. It also protects your mail from theft.


A PO Box gives you privacy for getting your letters and packages. No one sees what comes in or goes out except you. This is great if you worry about someone stealing your mail or just don’t want neighbors knowing everything you order online.

The U.S. Postal Service makes sure of this safety.

Having a PO Box also means your home location stays private. You won’t have to give out your real address when signing up for things or receiving deliveries. It’s a smart move, especially with identity theft on the rise.

Keep your personal and family information safe while still getting all your mail on time.


Renting a PO Box offers peace of mind through enhanced security for your mail. Your letters and packages stay safe inside the post office, guarded from theft or damage. This setup proves especially valuable if you’re often away from home or run a small business and need to keep your communications secure.

The US Postal Service takes privacy seriously, offering features like Informed Delivery. With this service, you can preview what’s coming to your box digitally before it arrives.

Security also means keeping personal information private. A PO Box keeps your home address off packages and business documents, adding an extra layer of anonymity. For those concerned about internet safety, this physical mailing option reduces the risk of electronic communications falling into the wrong hands—no worrying about hackers here! Plus, with automatic renewals available for these boxes, you can ensure that your mailbox remains yours without lapse in protection.


You can easily rent a PO Box either at the post office or online. This gives you choices on how to start your rental. If going to the post office is hard for you, no problem! You can do it all from your computer.

First, find a post office close to you, then pick the size of the box and how long you want it. After filling out a form online, just take two forms of identification with you to get your keys.

Managing your PO Box doesn’t have to be hard either. You can renew and manage it through the internet service provider’s platform, making things simple and quick. Plus, if ever decide that you don’t need your PO Box anymore? There’s flexibility in that too—you might get some money back depending on how long had the box.

Limitations of a PO Box

Having a PO Box means you can’t get all types of mail there. Some packages and letters need to go to a street address. Plus, if you run a business, not all places let you use a PO Box as your official address.

Mail Acceptance

PO Boxes accept most letters and packages. If you get a package that’s too big for your box, the post office will keep it safe. They put a note in your PO Box. Then, you can pick up the package when it’s convenient for you.

This way, your items are secure until you get them.

Some people worry about not getting all types of mail at a PO Box. Yet, this service is great for most letters and parcels from USPS. For items sent by other courier services like FedEx or UPS, there might be different rules.

These companies often need a physical address to deliver packages directly to homes or businesses. So, if you rely on these services a lot, think about how often you’ll use them with your PO Box.

Address Requirement

You can’t use a P.O. Box as your home or business’s main street address on official papers. This is because of a federal law. The rule makes sure that all addresses are real physical locations.

If you’re applying for something that asks for a “permanent residence,” you have to give them your actual place where you live, not the P.O. Box.

Getting mail sent directly to your P.O. Box is easy for things like letters and bills, but using it on legal documents gets tricky because of these rules. For instance, if you’re running a small shop and need an address for registering with the government, they’ll ask for the location where your business really is, not just where you get your mail.

Business Registration

If you own a small company and need a mail address, getting a PO Box might seem like the next step. Yet, there’s an extra step for business owners. You must register your business with the correct authorities before using your new PO Box as your official mailing location.

This process makes sure that all your mail and package deliveries go smoothly.

Doing this involves filling out forms and sometimes paying fees. But it’s worth it for keeping your business documents safe and organized. After registration, make sure to update all your user profiles and networks with the new mail box address.

This move keeps everything consistent and avoids confusion.

Alternatives to a PO Box

If a PO Box doesn’t meet your needs, consider using a digital mail service. These services give you an electronic mailing address. With it, you can view and manage your letters online from anywhere.

This is great for those who travel often or run a small company. You might also look into sharing spaces that offer mail services as part of their packages. They’re perfect for entrepreneurs needing a spot to work and get their mail.

Plus, many local businesses rent out mailbox space at lower prices than the post office—giving you another physical location for your letters and parcels without breaking the bank.

Ready to explore these options? Dive in to see which one fits best!

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Virtual PO Box

A Virtual PO Box comes with a street location and online mail access. Plans start at $19 a month with Earth Class Mail. This option is great for small business owners who need a more flexible mailing address than traditional post office boxes offer.

You can check your mail from anywhere, as it gets uploaded to the internet.

This service turns all your received envelopes and packages into digital format. That means you can view everything online without having to visit a physical mailbox. It’s perfect for people on the go or those living in competitive locations like Mendon, Ashland, or Grafton where getting to the post office can be tough.

Plus, it offers more privacy by not tying your home address to your business dealings.


Wondering about getting into your PO Box or how they handle big boxes? Our FAQs section has you covered with easy-to-follow answers.

Accessing the PO Box

Getting into your PO Box is simple. You can use a physical key or a code at some locations. The Post Office gives you two keys when you rent a box. If you lose them, there’s a fee for replacements.

Also, at select places, you might get in using a digital code instead of a key.

You can check your mailbox anytime during the office’s open hours. Some post offices even offer 24/7 access to their mailboxes area, letting you pick up mail whenever it fits your schedule best.

Remember, if your parcel doesn’t fit in the box, the office will hold it for you. Just look out for a notice in your box that tells you how and where to get big packages or overflow items.

Large Package Reception

Receiving big boxes at a PO Box might seem tricky, but it’s quite easy. The post office has a system for this. If your package is too large for your box, they put it in a secure locker.

They leave a notice in your PO Box. This note tells you where and how to pick up your package. Sometimes they might use the street address of the post office for bigger deliveries.

For packages that need special handling, there are options too. You can use services like General Delivery or Caller Service if you get lots of big packages. These services help make sure you never miss out on important deliveries, regardless of their size.

Plus, using the street address service lets more types of mail come directly to your box or locker—making life simpler.

Refund Policy

You can get your money back if you close your PO Box. How much you get depends on how long you had it. If the box is active, request a refund online or at the post office where you rented it.

For boxes not used for 30 days, refunds happen without you doing anything. The time when you close the box decides how much money goes back to your wallet.

For boxes left untouched for over a month, the postal service handles everything. Money returns to the method used during checkout — maybe a debit card or other payment options. It keeps things simple and worry-free for customers who decide they no longer need their PO Box services.


Renting a PO Box at the post office comes with options. Prices vary based on size, location, and how long you rent it. Starting from $4.83 per month, you can get an extra small box.

Don’t forget, prices go up for bigger sizes or better spots. Setting up is easy online or in person—just pick what works for you. Whether for privacy, safety, or ease of getting your mail—even when it’s not from USPS—a PO Box has benefits.

Still, think about its limits like mail type and address rules before choosing one over alternatives like virtual boxes or co-working spaces.

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