30 Best Ways How to Wish Someone Happy New Year in Italian

Happy New Year in Italian

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Learn how to say Happy New Year in Italian so you can wish your friends and family a great start. We looked at how to say “Cheers!” in Italian and how to say “Merry Christmas” in Italian because the holiday season is coming up quickly.

Today, we continue this series by looking at how to say “Happy New Year” to someone. In Italy, big things happen around the end of the year.

A big part of our holiday traditions is getting together to celebrate the new year and wish each other well for a fresh start. If you have Italian friends, it would be great to know how to say “all the best” in their language. Today, we’ll look at how to say Happy New Year in Italian in person and on greeting cards.

How to Celebrate New Year in Italy?

In Italy, as in most other Western countries, New Year’s Day is on January 1. It’s a much-anticipated event, and usually, friends and family get together for a big party to welcome the new year and eat and drink a lot. In Italy, New Year’s Eve starts with a party for “the night of San Silvestro,” which is the last night of the old year.

Italians usually have a party with their friends and family or go to the town square, where special events happen. For example, in Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore, a large straw puppet called Vecchione is made and burned at midnight to mark the end of the year. It’s gone, along with all the good and bad memories it held, just like the year.

Many Italians like to stay up late and watch “The Coming Year,” a great pop-music concert that is shown live on national TV. Through this program, you can listen to good music and make sure you don’t miss the countdown to midnight when a bottle of champagne is opened and fireworks start. Almost all Italians sleep in the next morning and then go straight to their parent’s house for a family lunch.

Each region has its own specialities, but no matter where you are in Italy, the most important thing is to eat a variety of rich and elaborate dishes, like tortellini or lasagna for the first course and braised beef or sausage for the second. To finish it all, you have to sit at the table for almost the whole day.

How to Say Merry Christmas in Italian?

Buon Natale is the most common and straightforward way to say “Merry Christmas” in Italian. I wish you a Merry Christmas, or “Buon Natale.” But there are also other ways to say the same thing.

Buone Feste means “Happy Holidays” in English and means that you wish someone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You could also say “many best wishes for happy holidays,” or “many wishes for a happy holiday season.”

Slightly more formal and usually used in writing: Auguri di un Natale sereno (best wishes for a peaceful Christmas). For example, if you’re sending a card to someone in Italy, you could write: “I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year.” If you don’t know the person well, you could write “lei” (I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year).

If you want to be fancy (why not?! ), you could say: “I wish you a Christmas full of love, peace, and sincere joy.”

Read More: Water in Italian

What do Call New Year’s Day in Italy?

Capodanno is the name for New Year’s Day in Italy. It means “first day of the year.”

It’s the official name for January 1, but many people now also use it to talk about New Year’s Eve and the parties that happen on that night. Isn’t this what they’re all about, anyway? So, if someone asks you what you’re doing on Capodanno, they’re probably talking about the night before the New Year.

How to Say Happy New Year in Italian?

Felice says “Happy New Year!” Anno Nuovo, as in Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo (I wish you a Happy New Year). You use “ti” when talking or writing to one person you know well, “le” when writing to one person you don’t know well or have a formal relationship with, and “vi” when writing to a group of people, like a family. Le auguro un felice anno nuovo, vi auguro un felice anno nuovo.

You could also use similar phrases, such as “Best wishes for a happy 2023” or “Best wishes for a good new year,” which are related.

How to Say Happy New Year in Italian At a Glance



Happy New Year

Felice anno nuovo!

Happy New Year

Buon anno

Many wishes for a good year

Tanti auguri di buon anno!

Good New Year!

Buon Anno Nuovo! 

Happy New Year to all!

Buon Anno a tutti! 

I wish you a Happy New Year

Ti auguro un buon anno nuovo

I wish you a Happy New Year

Le auguro un buon anno nuovo

I wish you a Happy New Year

Vi auguro un buon anno!

Best wishes for a prosperous new year

Auguri per un prospero anno nuovo! 

Best wishes for a peaceful Christmas

Auguri per un Natale sereno

Good or best wishes


Best wishes for a serene new year

Auguri per un sereno anno nuovo! 

Many wishes

Tanti auguri  

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.

Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo a tutti! 

All the best for a happy new year!

Tanti auguri di buon anno!

Best wishes for a happy new year!

Tanti cari auguri di buon anno!

Happy new year to you all!

Felice anno nuovo a tutti voi!

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Buon anno a te e ai tuoi cari!

Best wishes for a peaceful new year!

Auguri per un sereno anno nuovo!

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Buon San Silvestro!

Happy Holidays!

Buone feste!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

A te e famiglia, buon anno!

Buon anno a te e tutta la tua famiglia!  

Happy new year to you and the whole family!

Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

Tanti auguri per uno splendido anno nuovo!

Celebrate and smile at the new year! All the best!

Festeggia e sorridi al nuovo anno! Tanti auguri!

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year

Auguro a tutti voi un buon Natale e felice anno nuovo 

Good end to the year and a great start

Buona Fine e Buon Inizio! 

My best wishes for the new year!

I miei migliori auguri per il nuovo anno! 

Celebrate and smile at the new year! All the best!

Festeggia e sorridi al nuovo anno! Tanti auguri!

New year, new life. All the best for the new year!

Anno nuovo, vita nuova. Tanti auguri di buon anno!

Thanks, best wishes!

Grazie, auguri! 

Best Ways to Wish A Happy New Year in Italian

In Italy, New Year’s Eve is a big party where family and friends get together. The night starts with a slow dinner, then a party that goes on until midnight. After that, everyone counts down until midnight, when fireworks start.

People usually drink Italian sparkling wine to toast the new year and celebrate. From Christmas to January 6, which is the end of the holiday season, there are many parties and celebrations in Italy.

Buon anno nuovo is the Italian way to say “Happy New Year.”

Read Also: Best Places for New Year Celebration

20 Best Ways To Wish A Happy New Year In Italian

1. Felice anno nuovo! – Happy New Year

2. Tanti auguri di buon anno! – Many wishes for a good year!

3. Buon anno – Happy New Year

4. Buon Anno Nuovo! – Good New Year!

Another easy way to wish someone a Happy New Year. It means “Happy New Year!” in English.

5. Buon Anno a tutti! – Happy New Year to all!

6. Ti auguro un buon anno nuovo – I wish you a Happy New Year

7. Le auguro un buon anno nuovo – I wish you a Happy New Year 

(When you meet someone you don’t know well, you have to be formal.)

8. Vi auguro un buon anno! – I wish you a Happy New Year 

(Use this when talking to more than one person)

9. Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo a tutti! – Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.

10. Auguro a tutti voi un buon Natale e felice anno nuovo – I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

11. Brindo all’anno che verrà e alla tua felicità. Buon anno! – I toast to the year to come and to your happiness. Happy New Year!

12. Buone feste – Happy holidays

13. Tanti auguri – Many wishes

14. Vi auguro un Buon e Prospero Nuovo Anno – Wishing you a Happy and prosperous New Year

15. Auguro a te e a tutta la tua famiglia un 2022 pieno di pace, salute e prosperità. Buon Anno! – I wish you and your entire family 2022 full of peace, health, and prosperity. Happy New Year!

16. Buona Fine e Buon Inizio! – Good end to the year and a great start

This is how you say, “Have a good end to the year and a great start (to the new year)!” It’s not used as often.

17. Auguri per un prospero anno nuovo! – Best wishes for a prosperous new year

18. Auguri! – good or best wishes

Auguri is an Italian word that means “good or best wishes” and is used in many situations (including birthdays).

Auguri can be used as a generic “Happy Holidays” around Christmas and New Year’s to wish someone a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year. It’s an easy way to send Christmas and New Year’s greetings separately or all at once.

19. Auguri per un sereno anno nuovo! – Best wishes for a serene new year

Literally, “I hope you have a peaceful new year.” It’s a general good-luck message, but you could also use it if you know someone who has had a hard year.

20. I miei migliori auguri per il nuovo anno! – My best wishes for the new year!

21. Buon anno a te e tutta la tua famiglia! – Happy new year to you and the whole family!

“Happy New Year to you, your family, and all your friends!” If you want to be more formal, you could say “Happy New Year to her and her whole family.”

When you go to Italy for the holidays, you should also learn the other words that are often used at this time. It’s not enough to know how to say “Happy New Year” in Italian.

Wishing a Happy New Year in Italian in Writing

In a lot of places where people speak English, greeting cards are a small part of the holiday tradition. But cards aren’t as common in Italy, so don’t worry if you don’t get one or don’t feel like sending one.

During this time of year, businesses often send holiday greetings to their clients, often by email. However, you don’t have to send a card to a friend or family member in Italy. It is fine to call or send a text or WhatsApp message. If, on the other hand, you like to send greeting cards, you can, and the person who gets them will be extra grateful because it will be a pleasant surprise.

If you want to wish someone a happy new year in writing in Italian, you can say:

  • Buon Anno! Merry Christmas!
  • Tanti Auguri for a peaceful and successful new year!
  • Many warm wishes for a happy new year to you and your family.
  • Tantissimi Auguri! “Auguri” is an Italian word that means “good luck.” It sounds a bit like “congratulations.”
  • Augurandovi un felice anno nuovo, vi porgiamo I nostri piu’ cordiali saluti (formal) – We want to wish you a happy new year and send our best wishes.

How to Respond When Someone Wishes You a Happy New Year in Italian?

If someone wishes you a “Happy New Year,” the polite and right things to say are:

  • Grazie! –Thank you!
  • Grazie, buon anno anche a te! –Thank you, happy new year to you too!
  • Grazie, anche a te! –Thank you, to you too!
  • Grazie, altrettanto! –Thank you, to same to you!
  • Grazie, anche a Lei! –Thank you, you too! (formal)
  • Grazie, anche a voi! – Thank you, you too! (plural; also used instead of ‘Lei’ in the south of Italy in formal situations)
  • Grazie, auguri! – Thanks, best wishes!
  • Buon Anno! – Happy New Year!

Good Luck Food for New Year’s Eve

In Italy, they eat certain foods at the New Year to bring them luck. Some instances include:


Since Roman times, these have been thought to bring good luck because they look like little coins. This means that the New Year will bring you a lot of money. I’ve eaten a lot of them, but it hasn’t helped.


A type of sausage made with lean and fat pork, finely chopped pork skin, pepper, nutmeg, cloves, or even wine and cinnamon (according to taste). A sausage casing is used to hold the mix.


Same as above, but this time the mixture is put into the pig’s trotter (the front one).

Good To Know: These dishes can be served after a dinner of regional specialities. Even if you’re already full, you should have at least one bite.

Also Read: Happy New Year 2023


In Italy, the new year is a big deal because it means long, happy parties with family, friends, and lots of good food. I hope you enjoyed your virtual trip through these Italian Christmas and New Year traditions and customs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Happy New Year in Italian

How do you wish someone a happy new year in Italian?

“Happy New Year” in Italian is “Buon Anno!”

How do you pronounce Buon Anno?

You say “Buon Anno” like “bwon AHN-noh.” Make sure you emphasize the double “n”: ano is spelled “anus.”

How do you say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Italian?

Felice Anno Nuovo means “Happy New Year” in Italian. So, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” in Italian would be “Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!” Have a happy Christmas and New Year!

How do you wish someone a happy holiday in Italian?

Buon Natale is the most common and straightforward way to say “Merry Christmas” in Italian. I wish you a Merry Christmas, or “Buon Natale.” But there are also other ways to say the same thing. Buone Feste means “Happy Holidays” in English and means that you wish someone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Why do Italians want to eat as many lentils as possible on the first day of the year?

Do you know why Italians like to eat lentils on the first day of the year? Italians do this because they think that for every lentil they eat, they will get more money.

What do Italians say on New Year’s Eve?

“Buon Anno!” is what most Italians say to say “Happy New Year!”

What is a unique way to say happy New Year?

“Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come and the memories we hold.” “May the New Year be good to you.” “Happy and healthy New Year to you!” “May you be healthy, wealthy, and happy in the New Year.”

What is the Italian New Year called?

On December 31, people all over the world celebrate the start of the New Year, or il capodanno. Even though Italy already loves celebrations, it is especially lucky that it falls on the feast day of Pope San Silvestro.

Why do Italians wear red on New Year’s Eve?

In Italy, it’s also common to wear red underwear on New Year’s Eve. People believe that wearing red underwear in the new year will bring luck and love to both men and women. Red is also the colour of fertility, so women who want to get pregnant in the new year wear red underwear.

How do Italians celebrate new year’s?

Many Italians love to have fireworks shows, festivals, bonfires, concerts, and parties on New Year’s Eve. Dinners might include Cotechino (Italian sausage) and Lenticchie (lentils). People toast with Italian sparkling wines like prosecco or spumante to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one.

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