3 Science-Backed Hacks to Reduce Anxiety & Boost Happiness 

Hacks to Reduce Anxiety

Our rapidly changing world can feel overwhelming at times, with a constant barrage of negativity from all angles.

Whether it’s contentious political debates, anxiety-inducing news about the economy, or personal conflicts with colleagues, friends, and family – an undercurrent of negativity seems to permeate modern life.

In fact, research shows stress and anxiety levels have risen sharply over the past four years as people struggle to adapt to this new normal.

But we don’t have to be at the mercy of these negative forces. Thanks to insights from psychology and neuroscience, we now have a toolbox of powerful, research-backed strategies to reduce negativity, lower anxiety, cultivate emotional resilience, and lead more positive, joyful lives.

These techniques are outlined in Anthony Iannarino’s insightful book, The Negativity Fast.

Break the Habit of Chronic Complaining

Break the Habit of Chronic Complaining

It’s all too easy to fall into a cycle of constant complaining about the frustrations and inconveniences of daily life.

Venting to others may provide a temporary cathartic release, but Stanford research reveals this habit can actually rewire your brain in unhealthy ways.

Persistent complaining was shown to shrink the hippocampus physically – the part of the brain critical for problem-solving, memory, and intelligent thinking.

So, while a short vent session is understandable, relentlessly negative complaints become a self-perpetuating cycle that damages your cognitive capacities over time.

It’s vital to find other outlets to process annoyances in a more constructive manner.

Iannarino advises shifting your mindset from merely vocalizing grievances to directly addressing the root causes through practical problem-solving.

Rather than just stewing in resentment about a frustrating situation at work, for example, you could have an honest discussion with your manager about process improvements.

Or if you’re constantly complaining about household chores, you could call a family meeting to redistribute tasks more fairly.

Making this mental pivot from venting to active solution mode isn’t easy – recognizing and disrupting that ingrained negative habit takes conscious effort.

But over time, focusing your energy on constructive changes rather than unproductive grumbling will improve your overall cognitive functioning and satisfaction. If you want you can also read- How Does Rehab Work?

Harness the Transformative Power of Gratitude

You’ve likely heard about the many well-documented benefits of practicing gratitude – from reducing stress and lowering blood pressure to mitigating inflammation and giving your immune system a healthy boost.

However, the findings from pioneering positive psychology researcher Martin Seligman are particularly compelling.

In his autobiography The Hope Circuit, Seligman (considered the father of positive psychology) recounts how he pulled himself out of depression by performing a simple daily exercise called “Three Blessings.”

Each night, he would reflect on three positive events from the day and analyze why he felt grateful for them. After just two weeks of this exercise, Seligman and other participants reported significantly reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The profound impacts arise from deliberately re-training your brain to scan for and focus on positive data points throughout the day rather than reflexively giving negative experiences excessive mental bandwidth.

Over time, this gratitude practice strengthens neural pathways that make it easier to perceive and dwell on the bright side.

To incorporate this technique, Iannarino recommends keeping a dedicated gratitude journal to record and analyze three blessings each evening.

Don’t just jot down trite entries like “good weather” or “saw a friend.” Instead, provide some context around the events and thoughtfully analyze the situational details that made them positive experiences worthy of gratitude.

Gaining control of your gratitude mindset in this way provides psychological benefits, but the effects extend to your physical well-being, too.

Optimism and appreciation have a biochemically soothing effect, lowering the production of stress hormones like cortisol while boosting “happy hormones” like dopamine.

Less internal chemical turbulence contributes to reduced inflammation, healthier blood pressure, and overall improvements in bodily function.

While it takes diligent practice, training your brain’s gratitude “muscle” pays massive dividends.

You’ll find more joy during challenging circumstances, greater appreciation for life’s simple pleasures, and improved psychological resilience overall.

Master Self-Regulation Through Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive Restructuring

Many people tend to blame external events or other people’s actions for their own negative emotional reactions like anger, anxiety or resentment.

But the reality is that while circumstances trigger an initial response, we alone have control over how intensely and prolongedly we marinate in those feelings.

This core principle of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was pioneered by psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950s. His model dissected the cycle of emotional escalation into three steps:

1) An activating event occurs (e.g., someone cuts you off in traffic)

2) You ascribe a particular belief or interpretation about the event (e.g., “What an inconsiderate jerk!”)

3) That belief then triggers an emotional consequence (anger, road rage, etc.)

Even for seemingly benign events, it’s our initial beliefs that determine whether we react with equanimity or with an over-exaggerated response.

Road rage after being mildly cut off, for example, stems more from the angrily personalized belief (“They did that to purposely disrespect me!”) rather than the innocuous act itself.

By practicing cognitive restructuring techniques from CBT, you can learn to catch yourself during that second step – observing your reflexive belief as it arises and consciously reframing it in a more rational, less catastrophic light.

Instead of assuming malicious intent, for instance, you could choose to believe the driver was simply distracted or unaware rather than blatantly rude.

With repetition, this practice of disrupting automatic negative projections becomes easier, allowing you to self-regulate more adeptly.

Rather than being enslaved by lizard-brain emotional impulses, you engage your higher cognitive faculties to contextualize events through a more even-keeled lens rationally.

In the heat of the moment, this thought-restructuring takes concerted effort, akin to doing mental reps of an exercise.

But, like building physical muscle through diligent training over time, you’ll develop remarkable emotional stamina and self-control.

Not only does this protect your psychological well-being, it pays physiological dividends too – by keeping your body’s biochemical stress responses in a more balanced homeostatic state, with lower levels of inflammation and strain on the cardiovascular system.

Between breaking the complaining habit, cultivating an intentional gratitude practice, and mastering cognitive restructuring techniques, you have a powerful triad of science-backed tools to reduce negativity’s toll.

In our fast-paced, turbulent world of constant change, developing mental and emotional resilience is indispensable for thriving. While it takes diligent effort to build these “resilience muscles,” the payoff is immense – equipping you to live with more joy, positivity, and fulfillment each day.


The Information is taken from various journals and recent studies.

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