New Safety Features from Snapchat for Teens as Summer Usage Soars

New Safety Features Snapchat Teens Summer Usage

In response to the increased time teens spend online during summer breaks, Snapchat has unveiled a suite of new safety tools designed to enhance the protection of its younger users.

With many teens using the app, these measures aim to provide a safer online environment by addressing various risks and improving parental control features.

Increased Safety Measures

Snapchat’s new safety tools include expanded pop-up warnings and enhanced blocking mechanisms. Rachel Hochhauser, head of safety operations at Snapchat, emphasized the app’s commitment to fostering safe communication among friends. 

“Snapchat is designed for real friends to communicate,” Hochhauser said. The updated features focus on helping teens protect themselves from unwanted interactions and potential harassment.

Enhanced Blocking and Reporting

One of the key updates is the improved blocking feature. When a user blocks someone, it will block all accounts associated with that individual, making it more difficult for bullies or harassers to create new accounts to continue their behavior.

“When somebody makes that smart choice to block somebody from contacting them, it doesn’t just block the initial account; it blocks any account connected to that initial account,” Hochhauser explained. This measure is expected to reduce repeated bullying and harassment incidents significantly.

Stricter Friend Request Controls

To further protect younger users, Snapchat has made it harder for strangers to send friend requests to teens. The app will now require 13-to-17-year-old users to have more mutual friends in common with another account before it appears in search results or as a friend suggestion.

Additionally, a pop-up warning will notify teens if they are about to add an account that does not share any mutual Snapchat friends or phone book contacts. “When a teen becomes friends with someone on Snapchat, we want to be confident it is someone they know in real life — such as a friend, family member, or other trusted person,” Snapchat stated in a blog post.

Location Sharing Reminders

Another feature targets location sharing on Snap Map. Younger users will receive frequent reminders about who they share their location with, helping them stay aware of their privacy settings and who can see their real-time location.

Content Moderation and Strike System

Snapchat is also implementing a new strike system for accounts promoting inappropriate content in its Stories and Spotlight sections? If such content is reported or detected, it will be removed immediately, and the account will receive a strike.

Accumulating too many strikes within a defined period will lead to the account being disabled. This measure aims to keep the platform free of unsuitable content for teens.

Educational Content and Support

In addition to these safety tools, Snapchat is introducing in-app content to educate teens about online risks such as catfishing and financial sextortion.

This content will appear in Snapchat’s Stories platform and in response to specific search terms or keywords, providing information on recognizing and responding to these risks. The platform will also offer hotlines for teens to contact if they need help.

Parental Controls and Family Center

Snapchat’s Family Center, launched last year, offers parents more insight into their teens’ activities on the app. Despite 20 million teens using Snapchat, only 200,000 currently use the family center controls.

The company aims to increase this number by enhancing the tools available to caregivers. These controls allow parents to monitor who their teens are communicating with and report any suspicious accounts.

Commitment to Ongoing Safety Improvements

Snapchat’s CEO highlighted the importance of continuous improvement in user safety. “Honestly, the work is never done when we talk about the safety of our users,” Hochhauser said. The company is committed to rolling out more future changes to ensure its young users’ safety and well-being.


As social media platforms face increasing pressure from lawmakers, educators, and parents to protect young users, Snapchat’s new safety tools represent a significant step forward in addressing these concerns. 

By enhancing blocking features, tightening friend request controls, and providing educational content, Snapchat aims to create a safer online environment for teens, especially during the summer when they spend more time on the app.

With these updates, Snapchat continues to prioritize the safety and security of its younger users, ensuring that they can enjoy the platform while staying protected from potential risks.

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