15 Alternatives to an Air Mattress for Healthy Sleeping

alternatives to an air mattress

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Air mattresses have long been a popular choice for sleeping accommodations during travel or camping adventures. They offer convenience, portability, and the ability to adjust firmness according to personal preferences. So what are the best alternatives to an air mattress?

However, air mattresses are not without their drawbacks. These issues can often disrupt a good night’s sleep, from leaks and punctures to uneven support and noisy inflation mechanisms. 

We can say many names; however, hammocks, camping cots, and folding camping beds are the best for camping. And for guests, futons, memory foam pads, and sofa beds are best.

In this article, we’ve covered the 15 best alternatives to air mattresses. Just read on and learn about them.

What is an Air Mattress?

air mattress

An air mattress is an inflatable mattress consisting of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), textile-reinforced urethane plastic, or rubber. It is sometimes referred to as an airbed or a blow-up bed. The deflated mattress can be carried in a tiny form or stored.

They are inflated by breathing into a valve, either manually or with an electric pump. Some are inflated automatically when a valve is opened to a specific pressure, requiring further human or mechanical inflation.

Air mattresses can be adjusted to combine many purposes (such as camping and guest use), while others are explicitly designed for one (such as camping and full-time house use). Air mattresses can be made in unique designs, such as those with wheel cutouts for usage in a pickup truck or SUV’s cargo compartment.

Use of Air Mattress

By now, you’ve known about the definition of air mattresses. Now let’s learn about their use.

Portable Bedding Option

Air mattresses are inflatable mattresses that can be easily transported and set up in various locations. They are designed for convenience and portability, making them suitable for camping trips, sleepovers, or when hosting guests.

Temporary Sleeping Solution

Air mattresses can be a temporary bedding option when you have limited space or if your regular bed is unavailable. They are commonly used during home renovations, moving, or temporary accommodations.

Camping and Outdoor Activities

Air mattresses are popular among campers and outdoor enthusiasts. They provide a comfortable sleeping surface when camping in tents or RVs, ensuring a better night’s sleep away from home.

Adjustable Firmness

Air mattresses allow users to adjust firmness according to their preferences. By inflating or deflating the mattress, you can achieve the desired comfort level, making it suitable for individuals with specific needs or back issues.

Spare Bed for Guests

Air mattresses can be a practical solution for accommodating guests, mainly if your home has limited space. They can be quickly inflated and set up, providing a comfortable sleeping surface for visitors.

Alternatives to an Air Mattress for Guests

In this segment, we will cover what you can use in place of an air mattress for guests

Bedding Option




It can be used as both a sofa and a bed

Lower-quality futons may be uncomfortable

Murphy Beds

Folds up into a wall or cabinet, saving space

It can be challenging to set up without assistance

Memory Foam Pads

Provides body contouring and support

Some individuals may not find memory foam as comfortable

Sofa Beds

Possible to use it as both a sofa and a bed

Potential for discomfort due to sofa-like structure

Rollaway Beds

Easy to move and store

Limited mattress thickness and support

Mattress Toppers

Improves the feel of a mattress

Does not provide additional support

Sleeping Bags with Built-in Padding

Lightweight and transport-friendly

Limited comfort compared to other bedding options


1. Futons

Young Japanese Woman Sleeping Between Futons
Young Japanese Woman Sleeping Between Futons

Futon mattresses were initially created in Japan for simple, peaceful sleeping arrangements indoors. Quilted mattresses stretched out on the floor and used as a sleeping pad are called futons. Futon mattresses may be folded up and portable. They can be easily folded and unfolded into several positions.

The mattress can be positioned on the floor or mat to provide more comfort and airflow. Futon mattresses are suitable for people who lead simple lives, go camping (in dry areas), have visitors who often move around a lot, or are college students.

However, futons are not the most space-efficient choice for storage. Although they can be quickly rolled or folded, futons don’t compress to tiny volumes. However, that shouldn’t be a problem if you have a storage area or a room corner into which you can tuck or stack them.

Now we’ll cover some pros and cons, but before that, answering you a common query – are futons more comfortable than air mattresses?

Pros and Cons of Futons



It can be used as both a bed and a sofa

Lower-quality futons may be uncomfortable

Ideal for small spaces

Not as long-lasting as traditional beds

Relatively inexpensive option

Lightweight futons may not provide the desired level of firmness

Typically easy to assemble


Can be easily moved between rooms


2. Murphy Beds

Opened murphy bed
Opened murphy bed

Murphy beds are another great sleeping alternative to an air mattress. It can be folded up into a wall or cupboard. This saves room in your house and is a fantastic solution for small households.

If you have the extra money, Murphy beds are a worthwhile purchase, even if they can be pricey. You can select a Murphy bed that suits your demands and budget because there are so many different models on the market.

Related read: How Long Does a Tempurpedic Mattress Last

Pros and Cons of Murphy Beds



Folds up into a wall or cabinet, saving space in tiny homes or apartments

It can be challenging to set up without assistance

Various options available to fit different budgets

It may not be suitable for individuals with back problems or health conditions that require specific sleeping positions

It can be used as both a bed and a couch, maximizing functionality in limited spaces

Requires wall or cabinet space for installation

3. Memory Foam Pads

memory foam pads

An increasingly common alternative to air mattresses for accommodating guests is memory foam pads. While initially designed as mattress toppers, they can also be used independently, providing an excellent sleep experience. Memory foam sleeping pads offer easy storage as they can be rolled and compressed when not in use.

Sleeping on a memory foam pad offers significantly enhanced comfort compared to air mattresses. The unique properties of memory foam allow it to contour to the body, providing superior body support and alignment.

Typically around 2 inches thick, memory foam pads surpass air mattresses regarding sleep comfort. With various sizes available, high-quality memory foam pads are often priced around $250, but occasional deals can make them even more affordable. The cell structure design of memory foam evenly distributes weight, conforms to the body’s natural curvature, promotes spinal alignment, and alleviates pressure points, resulting in unexpected levels of comfort.

Quality memory foam pads can last up to 7 years of regular use, with their longevity influenced by factors such as density, thickness, usage frequency, weight of the user, and maintenance. Memory foam pads often come with vacuum storage bags for easy transportation and storage. These bags make moving the pads more convenient and protect them from moisture, dust, and other contaminants, extending the mattress’s lifespan.

Pros and Cons of Memory Foam Pads



Memory foam provides body contouring and support, offering enhanced comfort for guests.

Some individuals may not find memory foam as comfortable as an air mattress.

Memory foam pads are known for their durability and resistance to damage

Memory foam pads can be more challenging to store compared to deflated air mattresses

Memory Foam Pads are typically more affordable than air mattresses

Memory foam pads may not be as long-lasting as air mattresses and may require more frequent replacement


4. Sofa Beds

sofa beds

Sofa beds are a popular and versatile alternative to air mattresses for accommodating guests or providing a comfortable sleeping option. Combining the functionality of a sofa and a bed, they offer several advantages that make them a practical choice.

One of the primary benefits of sofa beds is their dual-purpose design. During the day, they serve as comfortable seating, providing a cozy and functional addition to your living space. They can be easily transformed into a bed for overnight guests when the need arises. This versatility makes sofa beds an excellent space-saving solution, particularly for smaller homes or apartments where maximizing space is essential.

Pros and Cons of Sofa Beds



It can be used as a sofa and bed

Potential for discomfort due to sofa-like structure

Ideal for multi-purpose rooms

Limited mattress thickness and support

A variety of designs and styles are available

May require additional accessories for optimal comfort

Highly convenient for guests

The assembly and conversion process can be cumbersome

5. Rollaway Beds

Rollaway beds

A rollaway bed has a luxurious appearance and feel and is an excellent alternative to an air mattress. This bed is distinctive in that it looks like a conventional bed frame yet folds away for small storage when not in use. Read our post explaining the differences between a mattress foundation and a bed frame to learn more about each item’s unique characteristics. 

A rollaway bed is constructed from steel and includes a spring-supported mattress deck for strength and durability. Small spaces or settings with little space come in twin or cot sizes. Specialty cot-size linens, which can be challenging to locate at nearby department stores, are necessary for a cot-size rollaway bed. The assembly of this folding bed is straightforward. It has locking wheels, which secure the frame in position and keep it secure all night. You can easily fold it in half and roll it into a closet when storing it. 

Pros and Cons Rollaway Beds



Easy to store and move

Limited mattress thickness and support

Suitable for temporary sleeping needs

May require additional accessories for optimal comfort

It can be folded and stored

Potential for squeaking or stability issues

Convenient for accommodating guests

Assembly and folding can be time-consuming and awkward

6. Mattress Toppers

mattress toppers

Let’s meet another alternative to air mattresses, mattress toppers. They are a popular bedding accessory designed to enhance the comfort and support of an existing mattress. They are typically made of a layer of padding or foam placed on top of the mattress surface. Mattress toppers are a cost-effective solution for individuals who want to modify the feel of their mattress without investing in a completely new one.

One of the primary purposes of a mattress topper is to provide additional comfort. They are available in various materials, such as memory foam, latex, down feathers, or synthetic fibers, each offering unique benefits. 

Pros and Cons Mattress Toppers



Can improve the feel of a mattress

Does not provide additional support

Cost-effective alternative to a new mattress

It may not fully address the issues of an uncomfortable mattress

Easy to install and remove

Thickness and material quality can vary

A variety of options are available

May shift or move during sleep


7. Sleeping Bags with Built-in Padding

sleeping bags

Sleeping bags with built-in padding offer a unique and convenient alternative to traditional air mattresses for those seeking comfortable sleeping arrangements while camping or traveling. These innovative sleeping bags combine the functionality of a sleeping bag with the added comfort of built-in padding, eliminating the need for a separate mattress or sleeping pad.

One of the key advantages of sleeping bags with built-in padding is their portability. Unlike air mattresses, which often require additional inflation equipment and take up space in your camping gear, these sleeping bags offer a compact and all-in-one solution. The built-in padding eliminates the need for carrying and setting up a separate mattress, making them highly convenient for outdoor enthusiasts who prioritize minimalism and ease of use.

Regarding comfort, sleeping bags with built-in padding also provide a cushioned and supportive surface for sleeping.

Pros and Cons Sleeping Bags with Built-in Padding



Lightweight and carrying is very easy

Limited comfort compared to other bedding options

Ideal for camping or outdoor activities

It may not provide adequate insulation in colder climates

All-in-one bedding solution

Limited size options and personal customization

Designed for outdoor use

It can be restrictive for movement during sleep

Air Mattress Alternatives for Camping

This time you’ll know about another 8 alternatives to an air mattress for camping.

Mattress Type




Provides comfort

Limited movement space

Self-inflating Sleep Pads

Convenient self-inflation

It can be bulky to pack

Camping Cots

Elevated off the ground for comfort

Bulky and may be challenging to transport

Foam Sleeping Pads

Lightweight and portable-friendly

Limited thickness and cushioning

Padded Sleeping Bags

Compact and easy to transport

Limited temperature regulation

Skins and Furs

Natural insulation and warmth

Limited availability

Folding Camping Beds

Elevated off the ground for comfort

Bulky and not transport-friendly

Travel Pillows with Built-in Padding

Compact and portable

It may not provide sufficient neck support

1. Hammocks


The first and most accessible alternative to an air mattress is a hammock. A hammock is a sturdy, resilient, tear-resistant solution that comfortably supports a heavyweight in the open air. For greater comfort, you can select a single or double hammock. 

A hammock frequently comes with a carry bag, making it light enough to be taken on a hike. It is simple to put up in a backyard, on a hill, in a forest, or near a stream. Unlike ground mattresses, you don’t have to be concerned about uneven ground, crowded campgrounds, or wet surfaces. 

Consider the weather and add accessories to your setup, such as an under quilt for low temperatures, a tarp for rain, and a net for insects, if you intend to spend the night in your hammock. This camping hammock has a bug net and a rain fly tarp for ultimate comfort on sunny and wet days. A high-quality hammock with extra attachments can get pricey, so keep that in mind.  

Pros and Cons of Hammocks



Provides comfort

Limited movement space

Saves space

Not suitable for larger people

Versatile usage

Requires suitable attachment

Portable and lightweight

Not ideal for long-term use

Offers health benefits

Limited privacy


2. Self-inflating Sleep Pads

Get introduced to another great alternative to air mattresses, self-inflating sleep pads. A self-inflating sleeping mat is simple to set up. Self-inflating sleep pads come in various sizes and forms to help you discover the perfect balance of insulation, portability, and softness. Especially the larger sizes, which are pretty comfortable.

Simply open the valve whenever you want to automatically inflate the sleeping pad by drawing in air. They are easy to keep and move around. Rolling it up is convenient for travel because all you need to do to release the air from a self-inflating pad.

Your self-inflating mat should be kept flat and with the valve open when not in use since long-term rolling up can decrease the mat’s ability to self-inflate. Sleep pads also provide excellent insulation and keep you warm all night. Compared to air mattresses, they are often more expensive and less padded. You must take good care of self-inflating pads because they are more vulnerable to tearing than conventional air mattresses but are much simpler to set up.

Pros and Cons Self-inflating Sleep Pads



Convenient self-inflation

It can be bulky to pack

Provides insulation and comfort

It may require additional air support

Compact when deflated

Limited thickness options

Suitable for various terrains and uses

It may not provide enough cushioning or support

3. Camping Cots

camping cot

Camping cots are a popular alternative to air mattresses for comfortable sleeping arrangements during outdoor adventures. These portable beds offer a variety of advantages that make them a preferred choice for campers, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

One of the primary benefits of camping cots is their elevated design. Unlike air mattresses that lie directly on the ground, camping cots feature a sturdy frame with a fabric sleeping surface stretched across it. This elevation provides several advantages. Firstly, it helps keep you off the cold or uneven ground, providing a more comfortable sleeping surface. Additionally, it offers increased protection against moisture, insects, and small rocks or debris that may be present on the ground.

Comfort is another notable advantage of camping cots. The fabric sleeping surface of the cot provides a supportive and breathable platform for sleeping. Many camping cots are designed with additional features such as built-in padding or foam mattresses, further enhancing comfort levels. These added cushioning elements could provide extra support and alleviate pressure points, ensuring a more restful sleep.

Pros and Cons Camping Cots



Elevated off the ground for comfort

Bulky and may be challenging to transport

Stable and sturdy design

Limited portability and mobility

Provides good support and weight capacity

Takes up more space in the tent

Suitable for all ages and sleep positions

Assembly and disassembly can be time-consuming

4. Foam Sleeping Pads

You can easily substitute a camping air mattress with a foam sleeping pad. Compared to air mattresses, they are more resilient and less likely to rip because they are often made of closed-cell foam. Rolling or folding foam sleeping pads makes them simple to travel and store.

Pros and Cons Foam Sleeping Pads



Lightweight and easy to carry

Limited thickness and cushioning

Provides insulation and warmth

It may not be as comfortable as other options

Durable and long-lasting

Takes up more space when packed

Suitable for various outdoor activities

Less support for individuals with back issues

5. Padded Sleeping Bags

Even in severe weather, padded sleeping bags’ waterproof, weather-resistant construction will keep you warm. Read this article from ProQuest about the elements that determine the insulating qualities of sleeping bags to find out more.

Although sleeping bags do wear out and become damaged, with the proper maintenance, they can survive for many years. They frequently come with a helpful carry case, which makes them simple to store and move. You can use a laundry bag if your sleeping bag doesn’t include a storage bag. Affordable sleeping bags thick enough to be cozy on hard surfaces are readily available.  

Pros and Cons Padded Sleeping Bags



Compact and easy to transport

Limited temperature regulation

Provides combined sleeping bag and padding

It may not offer as much insulation

Versatile and suitable for camping or travel

Limited space for movement during sleep

Lightweight and convenient to use

Less comfort compared to thicker bedding

6. Skins and Furs

This is the most uncommon alternative to an air mattress for camping. Skins and furs derived from animal sources are utilized in the production of garments and various other items. Skins refer to the outer layer of an animal, while fur pertains to the inner layer. These materials offer several advantages, including durability, insulation, and water resistance, making them suitable for diverse purposes. Moreover, skins and furs are readily available, presenting a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new clothing.

Pros and Cons of Skins and Furs



Natural insulation and warmth

Limited availability and ethical concerns

Soft and comfortable

Requires proper cleaning and maintenance

Provides a rustic and traditional feel

It may not be suitable for those with allergies

Adds aesthetic appeal to camping setup

Not as versatile as other bedding options

7. Folding Camping Beds

folding camping beds

Folding camping beds are a practical and comfortable alternative to air mattresses for camping. These portable beds offer various advantages, making them a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts.

One of the critical benefits of folding camping beds is their convenience and ease of use. They are designed to be lightweight and foldable, allowing for easy transportation and storage. Folding camping beds can be compactly folded into a carrying bag or case, making them highly portable and space-efficient. Whether you’re backpacking, car camping, or need a comfortable sleeping option for your outdoor adventures, folding camping beds offer a hassle-free solution.

Pros and Cons Folding Camping Beds



Elevated off the ground for comfort

Bulky and may be challenging to transport

Easy to set up and fold

Heavier and less portable than other options

Stable and sturdy design

Takes up more space in the tent

Provides good support and weight capacity

Assembly and disassembly can be time-consuming

8. Travel Pillows with Built-in Padding

Travel pillows with built-in padding are a compact and versatile alternative to air mattresses, offering comfort and support during travel or when a traditional mattress is unavailable. These pillows are designed to provide a comfortable sleeping experience while on the go.

One of the critical advantages of travel pillows with built-in padding is their portability. They are typically lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry in a backpack, suitcase, or handbag. The built-in padding eliminates the need for carrying a separate pillow or mattress, making them an ideal solution for those who prioritize convenience and mobility.

Pros and Cons Travel Pillows with Built-in Padding



Compact and portable

It may not provide sufficient neck support

Provides additional comfort during travel

Limited cushioning for the entire body

Versatile and suitable for various travel modes

Not as comfortable as full-size pillows

Reduces neck and shoulder stiffness

Requires adjustment for individual preference

Air Mattress Alternatives: In terms of Types of Air Mattress

There are different types of air mattresses. No, we’ll show you the best alternatives to different air mattresses.

Mattress Type


Hybrid Air Mattress

Futons, Murphy Beds

Foam Mattress

Memory Foam Pads, Sofa Beds

Raised Air Mattress

Rollaway Beds, Mattress Toppers

Self-inflating Air Mattress

Sleeping Bags with Built-in Padding, Self-inflating Sleep Pads

What Are the Best Alternatives to Hybrid Air Mattress?

  • Futons: Futon mattresses can be used as both a sofa and a bed, making them versatile. However, lower-quality futons may be uncomfortable.
  • Murphy Beds: These beds can be folded into a wall or cabinet, saving space. However, they can be challenging to set up without assistance.
  • Alternatives to Foam Mattress

What Are the Best Alternatives to Foam Mattress?

  • Memory Foam Pads: These pads provide body contouring and support, offering enhanced comfort for guests. However, some individuals may not find memory foam as comfortable as a foam mattress.
  • Sofa Beds: Sofa beds can be used as both a sofa and a bed, maximizing functionality. However, there may be potential discomfort due to the sofa-like structure.

What Are the Best Alternatives to Raised Air Mattress?

  • Rollaway Beds: These beds are easy to move and store. However, they may have limited mattress thickness and support.
  • Mattress Toppers: Mattress toppers can improve the feel of a mattress. However, they do not provide additional support.

What Are the Best Alternatives to Self-Inflating Air Mattresses?

  • Sleeping Bags with Built-in Padding: These lightweight and easy-to-carry sleeping bags provide a cushioned and supportive surface for sleeping. However, they may have little comfort compared to other bedding options.
  • Self-inflating Sleep Pads: These pads offer convenient self-inflation and insulation. However, they can be bulky and may require additional air support.

Favorite Choices: Best Air Mattresses Alternatives for Different Purposes

In this segment, we will suggest some best alternatives to air mattresses in different cases.

Cheap Alternatives to an Air Mattress for Patients

A cost-effective alternative to an air mattress for patients could be a Foam camping mat or a foam pad. These options are often more affordable and provide decent cushioning and support for patients.

Air Mattress Alternative for Camping with a Car/Vehicle

If you’re camping with a car or vehicle, an excellent alternative to an air mattress could be a camping cot or a foldable camping bed. These options are portable, easy to set up, and provide a comfortable sleeping surface off the ground.

Indoors Overall Favorite Air Mattress Alternative

Regarding indoor use, a futon mattress can be a versatile and comfortable alternative to an air mattress. Futons can be used as both a sofa and a bed, making them practical for everyday use and accommodating guests.

Air Mattress Alternative for Adventurous Backpackers

Backpackers looking for lightweight and compact alternatives to air mattresses can consider using a backpacking sleeping pad or a camping hammock. Sleeping pads provide insulation and cushioning while being easy to carry, while camping hammocks offer a unique sleeping experience while saving space in your backpack.

Disadvantages of Air Mattress

Below we’re going to show you some drawbacks of air mattresses. 

1. Poor Temperature Control

Air mattresses, especially those made of synthetic vinyl material, may have poor temperature control. They tend to trap external temperature, resulting in feeling hot during the summer and cold in the winter. Adding extra linens can create a barrier between your skin and the air mattress, providing some comfort.

2. Causes Improper Body Alignment

Using an air mattress for extended periods can lead to improper body alignment and back curvature due to a lack of support. While some firmer air mattresses offer better body alignment, they may sacrifice comfort. Choosing a softer air mattress prioritizes comfort but may not provide optimal body support for proper alignment.

3. At Risk for Puncture

Air mattresses are susceptible to punctures despite their durability. The rubberized nature of an air mattress makes it vulnerable to sharp objects. If punctured, patching it up is usually the only option to address the damage.

4. Motion Transfer

Sleeping on an air mattress with a partner can result in significant motion transfer. The movements of the other person can cause disruptions to your sleep. Air mattresses are generally more suitable for single use, and if you plan to sleep with a partner, be prepared for potential jolts caused by their movements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some commonly asked questions on different alternatives to an air mattress.

Which is better: an air mattress or memory foam for camping?

The choice between an air mattress and memory foam for camping depends on personal preference and specific needs. Air mattresses are generally more portable and easier to pack, making them convenient for camping trips. They provide adjustable firmness by controlling the air pressure, which can benefit individual comfort. On the other hand, memory foam mattresses offer excellent support and contouring to the body, promoting a comfortable sleep experience. 

Is it OK to leave the air mattress inflated?

Leaving an air mattress inflated for an extended period is generally not recommended. Continuous inflation can stress the mattress seams, valves, and internal components, potentially leading to leaks or damage over time. It is best to deflate the air mattress when not in use to ensure its longevity and prevent unnecessary wear and tear. Additionally, deflating the mattress makes it easier to store and transport.

Is it better to sleep on an air mattress or a couch?

The choice between sleeping on an air mattress or a couch depends on individual preferences and specific circumstances. Air mattresses are designed for sleeping and often offer adjustable firmness levels, making them more suitable for a comfortable sleep experience. They can provide better support and cushioning compared to some couches. However, couches can still be viable for short-term or occasional use, especially if they are comfortable and provide adequate support.

Can we use a bedsheet on an air mattress?

Yes, you can use a bedsheet on an air mattress like on a regular mattress. It is recommended to use a fitted sheet designed to fit your air mattress’s dimensions properly. 


That’s everything on alternatives to an air mattress. We’ve added 15 solutions for you and tried to divide them according to the most suitable cases. 

So, now the choice is yours. All the best in choosing the best air mattress alternatives.

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