“Farmer Wants A Wife: Are Joe and Sarah Still Together?”

farmer wants a wife joe sarah still together

Tuesday night’s episode of “Farmer Wants A Wife” brought a heart-wrenching decision for Farmer Joe as he chose between Sarah and Keely.

Despite his nerves and the weight of his choice, Joe ultimately picked Sarah, a fellow farm-raised individual who understood the life of a farmer’s wife.

However, clues from the episode suggest that their relationship might not have lasted long beyond that moment.

The Final Decision

During the finale, Joe faced a tough choice between Sarah and Keely.

He admitted to the cameras, “I’m going to break someone’s heart and making the wrong decision weighs on me.” In the end, Joe chose Sarah, citing their shared background and mutual understanding of farm life.

Clues About the Relationship’s Future

A significant clue about the future of Joe and Sarah’s relationship appeared in the second half of the episode.

This segment focused on Farmer Andrew from season 11’s wedding to Jess, where Joe served as a groomsman.

Joe was seen FaceTiming Sarah, who couldn’t attend the wedding due to a “prior commitment.” This absence raised eyebrows among fans.

The timing of Andrew and Jess’s wedding, presumed to be in March, suggested that the producers might have tried to obscure the reality of Joe and Sarah’s relationship status by featuring their selection in the same episode.

Fans speculated that if Joe and Sarah had already split, her absence was a strategic decision to maintain suspense.

Fan Reactions

Fans took to social media to voice their suspicions.

One Instagram user commented, “Anyone think it was weird that she couldn’t make it to the wedding? ‘Prior commitment’ my a.” Another added,

“In a normal, happy relationship it would have to be something extremely major for your partner not to attend one of your best friend’s weddings!”

Some suggested that the timing of the wedding and filming constraints could have contributed to her absence,

but others felt the phone conversation between Joe and Sarah seemed forced and lacked the warmth expected from a new couple.

Post-Finale Revelations

Rumors have been swirling that Joe and Sarah didn’t make it much further past the reunion, which was filmed about a month after the show wrapped.

According to an insider who spoke to So Dramatic!, “By the reunion, they were already fighting and having major issues.

The biggest one was that they hadn’t seen each other in the four weeks since filming wrapped.”

The source also mentioned that Joe had been messaging women from other farms on the show, indicating that he might have already moved on.

The Finale Recap

The finale saw the remaining farmers making their final decisions after weeks of cattle mustering, country balls, and tearful goodbyes.

Farmer Dustin chose Sophie, and Farmer Todd chose Daisy on Monday night. On Tuesday night, it was Joe’s turn.

Joe met with the families and friends of his final two potential partners.

He first visited Queensland’s Tambourine Mountain to meet Sarah’s family, where he had a candid conversation with Sarah’s friend,

Em, about his readiness to settle down and his feelings for Sarah.

Next, he traveled to Yeppoon to meet Keely’s family and discuss their future.

Despite his positive feelings towards Keely, Joe ultimately chose Sarah, citing their deeper connection and shared background.

Are Joe and Sarah Still Together?

Unfortunately, it appears that Joe and Sarah did not last.

Reports from So Dramatic! suggest that the couple had significant issues and were not together by the time of the reunion.

The lack of time spent together and ongoing conflicts contributed to their breakup.

Furthermore, Joe’s interactions with other women from the show indicate that he has moved on.

The journey of Joe and Sarah on “Farmer Wants A Wife” was filled with promise but ultimately fell short of a lasting relationship.

While Joe’s decision to choose Sarah seemed right at the time, the realities of maintaining a relationship post-show proved challenging.

Fans of the show will undoubtedly continue to follow the lives of the contestants as they move forward from the show’s dramatic conclusion.

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