Discover the Historical Events and Famous People Born on June 24

Historical Events and Famous People Born on June 24

June 24 is a day filled with important events and notable births throughout history. From strange dances to royal coronations and famous explorers, this date has seen it all. Let’s explore the big happenings on June 24 and learn about some famous people born on this day.

Historical Events on June 24

The Fatal Dance Manias of Medieval Europe (1374)

On June 24, 1374, something weird happened in Aachen, Germany. People suddenly started dancing in the streets. But this wasn’t a fun party. It was a scary event called St. John’s Dance.

People who got this “dance sickness” saw things that weren’t there. They jumped and twitched without control. Many danced until they fell down from being too tired. This outbreak was part of a bigger problem in Europe called “dancing mania.”

No one knows for sure why this happened. Some think it was caused by eating bread with a poison fungus. Others say it was mass hysteria – when a lot of people get upset together. Whatever the reason, it shows how strange things could get in medieval times.

Founding of Eton College (1441)

Founding of Eton College

On June 24, 1441, King Henry VI of England started Eton College. This school became one of the most famous in the world.

Henry VI wanted to make a school to train boys for college at Cambridge. He chose a spot near Windsor Castle to build it. The school was meant to be free for poor boys who were smart.

Over time, Eton became a school for rich and powerful families. Many prime ministers and other important people went there. Even though it’s changed, Eton is still seen as a top school in England.

Sophia Palaiologina’s Journey to Moscow (1472)

On June 24, 1472, a princess named Sophia Palaiologina left Rome for Moscow. She was going to marry Ivan III, the Grand Prince of Moscow.

Sophia was from the last royal family of the Byzantine Empire. This empire had fallen to the Turks in 1453. By marrying Sophia, Ivan III connected Russia to this old empire.

This marriage was a big deal. It helped Ivan claim that Moscow was the “Third Rome” – the new center of the Christian world. Sophia brought new ideas and culture to Russia. This helped shape Russian history for a long time.

Coronation of James IV of Scotland (1488)

On June 24, 1488, James IV became King of Scotland. He was only 15 years old when he was crowned at Scone Abbey.

James IV took the throne after his father, James III, died in a rebellion. Despite his young age, James IV became one of Scotland’s best-loved kings.

During his reign, James IV made Scotland stronger. He built a big navy, supported the arts and sciences, and made peace with England by marrying Henry VII’s daughter. His time as king is often called a “golden age” for Scotland.

John Cabot Claims Eastern Canada (1497)

On June 24, 1497, explorer John Cabot landed in North America. He claimed the land for England, thinking he had reached Asia.

Cabot was an Italian explorer working for England. His real name was Giovanni Caboto. He was trying to find a western route to Asia.

When Cabot landed in what is now Newfoundland, he planted the English and Venetian flags. This was the first European exploration of North America since the Vikings. Cabot’s voyage led to more English exploration and eventually to British colonies in North America.

Famous Birthdays on June 24

Now let’s learn about some famous people born on June 24:

Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

  • Born: June 24, 1842, in Meigs County, Ohio
  • Died: Circa 1914 (disappeared in Mexico)
  • Occupation: Writer, journalist, satirist Famous works: “The Devil’s Dictionary,” “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

Ambrose Bierce was an American writer known for his sharp wit and dark humor. He fought in the Civil War and later became a journalist. Bierce is most famous for “The Devil’s Dictionary,” a book that gives funny and cynical definitions of common words.

Bierce’s writing style was clear and direct. He often wrote about war and human nature. His stories sometimes had surprise endings. Bierce disappeared in Mexico in 1913 or 1914, adding mystery to his already interesting life.

Horatio Kitchener (1850-1916)

  • Born: June 24, 1850, in Ballylongford, Ireland
  • Died: June 5, 1916, near Orkney Islands Occupation: British Army officer, colonial administrator
  • Famous for: Military campaigns in Sudan and South Africa, WWI poster “Your Country Needs You”

Horatio Kitchener was a British military leader and colonial administrator. He is famous for his roles in Africa and World War I.

Kitchener led British forces to victory in Sudan in 1898. He then played a big part in the Second Boer War in South Africa. When World War I started, he became Secretary of State for War.

Kitchener is known for building up Britain’s army in WWI. His face was on a famous recruiting poster saying “Your Country Needs You.” He died when his ship was sunk by a German mine in 1916.

Jack Dempsey (1895-1983)

Jack Dempsey

  • Born: June 24, 1895, in Manassa, Colorado
  • Died: May 31, 1983, in New York City
  • Occupation: Professional boxer
  • Famous for: World Heavyweight Champion (1919-1926)

Jack Dempsey was one of the most famous boxers in history. He was known as the “Manassa Mauler” because of his strong punching power.

Dempsey became World Heavyweight Champion in 1919. He kept the title for seven years. His fights were huge events that drew big crowds.

After retiring, Dempsey opened a restaurant in New York City. He also served in the Coast Guard during World War II. Dempsey was known for his exciting fighting style and helped make boxing very popular in the 1920s.

Juan Manuel Fangio (1911-1995)

  • Born: June 24, 1911, in Balcarce, Argentina
  • Died: July 17, 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Occupation: Racing driver Famous for: Five-time Formula One World Champion

Juan Manuel Fangio was one of the greatest race car drivers ever. He won the Formula One World Championship five times in the 1950s.

Fangio started racing late, at age 38, but quickly became a top driver. He was known for his skill and his ability to drive many different types of cars well.

Even today, many people consider Fangio the best Formula One driver in history. He helped make car racing popular around the world and set standards that drivers still try to match.

Billy Casper (1931-2015)

  • Born: June 24, 1931, in San Diego, California
  • Died: February 7, 2015, in Springville, Utah
  • Occupation: Professional golfer
  • Famous for: Winning the U.S. Open (1959, 1966) and Masters Tournament (1970)

Billy Casper was one of the best golfers of the 1950s and 1960s. He won 51 PGA Tour events, including three major championships.

Casper was known for his great putting and his calm personality. He often competed against more famous golfers like Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus.

Despite not being as well-known as some of his rivals, Casper’s record shows he was one of the top players of his time. He helped make golf more popular and was respected for his sportsmanship.


June 24 has seen many important events throughout history. From strange dance outbreaks to the founding of famous schools and explorations that changed the world, this date has a rich past. It’s also the birthday of many talented and influential people who have left their mark in fields like literature, military leadership, sports, and racing.

These events and people remind us how diverse and interesting history can be. They show us how actions from long ago can still affect our world today. Whether it’s a medieval dance craze or a boxing champion, each part of June 24’s history adds to the complex story of our world.


  1. Waller, J. (2009). A Time to Dance, A Time to Die: The Extraordinary Story of the Dancing Plague of 1518. Icon Books.
  2. Cust, L. (1899). A History of Eton College. Scribner.
  3. Crummey, R. O. (1987). The Formation of Muscovy 1304–1613. Longman.
  4. Macdougall, N. (1989). James IV. John Donald Publishers.
  5. Williamson, J. A. (1962). The Cabot Voyages and Bristol Discovery Under Henry VII. Cambridge University Press.
  6. Morris, R. (1999). Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company. Oxford University Press.
  7. Cassar, G. H. (1985). Kitchener: Architect of Victory. William Kimber.
  8. Kahn, R. (1999). A Flame of Pure Fire: Jack Dempsey and the Roaring ’20s. Harcourt.
  9. Donaldson, G. (2003). Fangio: The Life behind the Legend. Virgin Books.
  10. Barkow, A. (2014). Billy Casper: The Big Three and Me. Skyhorse Publishing.

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