15 Benefits of Zinc Sexually – Exploring Everything!

benefits of zinc sexually

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We all know how zinc is beneficial for human health. But have you ever thought in a way how it is helpful sexually?

Well, every man and woman can get the benefits of zinc sexually. Among men, zinc boosts sex drive, increases testosterone, improves sperm quality, and others. And for women, zinc reduces PMS, balances female hormones, and others. 

Getting it interesting? Keep reading the article and learn A to Z about this topic.

Overview of Zinc

Zinc element from the periodic table series
Zinc element from the periodic table series

Zinc is a vital trace mineral that is crucial for human health. It was identified as an essential nutrient in the 18th century, as our bodies cannot produce or generate sufficient amounts of it independently. Therefore, it must be obtained through our diet or supplements.

Since then, extensive research has investigated zinc’s role in various physiological processes. While zinc is commonly recognized for its use in products such as sunscreens, bandages, ointments, wound healing creams, batteries, and paint, it is essential to note that zinc is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions within the body.

These reactions are essential for growth, development, reproduction, and well-being. As the 24th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, zinc can be found in small quantities in almost all living organisms.

Interesting Facts about Zinc

Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of more than 300 enzymes within the human body.

It plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as cell growth, DNA synthesis, and the healing of wounds.

Insufficient zinc levels can result in a range of health issues, including hair loss, skin rashes, and weakened immune function.

Oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate are among the many excellent dietary sources rich in zinc.

Additionally, zinc supplements like Surbex-z can supplement one’s zinc intake.

Benefits of Zinc Sexually for Man

First, start discussing the health benefits of zinc for men.

1. Improves Testosterone Levels

testosterone hormone level

Zinc is an excellent option to enhance your testosterone levels naturally. For men, the sexual benefits of zinc include increased libido, improved sperm quality, enhanced arousal patterns, and improved sexual endurance.

Zinc is crucial in various bodily functions directly associated with reproductive health, making it even more beneficial. Research suggests combining zinc with other minerals like magnesium can positively impact testosterone levels, benefiting individuals with hormonal deficiencies and those who are generally healthy. Incorporating a zinc supplement into your daily routine can enhance your bedroom performance, and enjoy the associated rewards naturally.

2. Prevents Prostate Problems

Zinc is vital in promoting prostate health and overall sexual well-being in men, making it essential. The sexual benefits of zinc for men are extensive and encompass various aspects, including a reduced risk of prostate problems, increased energy levels, and enhanced sexual performance. Zinc is instrumental in stimulating testosterone production, which in turn can improve libido.

Additionally, zinc supplementation may help decrease the likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction, ensuring that men can maintain their sexual vitality throughout adulthood. Therefore, ensuring an adequate zinc intake in your diet is crucial to address prostate issues and enhancing your overall sex life proactively.

3. Prevents Male Hair loss

Men often face challenges such as receding hairlines, persistent hair loss, or male-pattern baldness. Fortunately, zinc can offer potential improvements for these conditions.

Zinc is crucial in protein synthesis, including keratin production, the major protein that constitutes your hair. Insufficient zinc levels can lead to hair becoming weak, thin, and susceptible to shedding, making it challenging for your body to regenerate new hair strands. By ensuring an adequate zinc intake, you can help enhance the condition of your hair and potentially combat issues like receding hairlines, hair loss, and male-pattern baldness.

4. Improves Endurance and Energy

Zinc is a vital mineral that offers a range of health advantages, including enhanced endurance and energy levels. These benefits contribute to improved sexual performance in men. When it comes to the sexual benefits of zinc for men, it promotes higher testosterone levels, leading to a boosted libido, increased sperm count, and improved sperm motility, thus facilitating the process of conception.

Moreover, zinc helps combat fatigue during sexual activity and promotes muscle growth, enabling longer-lasting performance. Studies have shown that incorporating zinc into your diet can improve erectile functioning in specific individuals, resulting in a healthier and more satisfying sexual experience.

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5. Improves Men Fertility

Furthermore, zinc has been shown to impact male fertility positively. Experts recommend incorporating zinc into the diet as it can yield significant benefits in terms of fertility for men. Zinc supplementation or obtaining zinc from dietary sources, such as lean meats, poultry, oysters, fortified cereals, and pieces of bread, can help increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, motility, and count, and enhance overall reproductive health.

These advantages are particularly advantageous for couples trying to conceive, as it can address potential male fertility issues that may delay pregnancy. By ensuring adequate zinc consumption through diet or supplements, males can significantly improve their prospects for fertility.

6. Boost Sex Drive

The advantages of zinc for men extend to enhancing their sex drive and boosting libido by stimulating testosterone production. Zinc is crucial in maintaining healthy testosterone levels, making it a vital mineral for men’s sexual health.

Furthermore, zinc supplementation can contribute to optimizing sperm count and improving sperm quality, thus enhancing men’s fertility potential. Insufficient zinc levels can disrupt the proper functioning of male hormones, resulting in a decline in sex drive. To optimize your sexual health, it is advisable to incorporate a daily zinc supplement into your routine. Consistent use over time can yield noticeable benefits.

7. Improves Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to participate in sexual activity due to various factors, such as low testosterone levels or high stress levels. Zinc plays a crucial role in maintaining and balancing male hormone levels, which makes it a potential aid in addressing erectile dysfunction. By improving hormone levels, zinc may help alleviate or reduce the symptoms of ED, allowing for a healthier and more satisfying sexual experience.

8. Improves Sperm Quality

Zinc has been shown to increase sperm count, enhance sperm quality, and improve motility, making it beneficial for fertility and reproductive health.

9. Supports Wound Healing

Zinc is involved in the process of wound healing. It aids in tissue repair and can help accelerate the healing of wounds, including those related to surgery or injuries.

10. Enhances Cognitive Function

Zinc is vital for brain health and cognitive function. It plays a role in neurotransmitter function and helps support memory, concentration, and overall cognitive performance.

Benefits of Zinc Sexually for Women

In the previous segment, we’ve learned about the benefits of zinc sexually for men, and now we’ll learn about the benefits of zinc sexually for women

1. Improves Sexual Function after Menopause

Zinc has been associated with the improvement of sexual function in post-menopausal females. A study on women over 50 experiencing menopause revealed that administering zinc supplements significantly enhanced their sexual function.

This research highlights the potential benefits of zinc supplementation for women during post-menopausal, offering a promising solution for addressing sexual health concerns in this population. By incorporating zinc into their dietary regimen, women going through menopause may experience improvements in their sexual well-being and quality of life.

2. Alleviates PMS

premenstrual syndrome

Women often experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) monthly, manifesting as mood swings, cramping, and bloating. Studies have shown that zinc can be beneficial in reducing PMS symptoms, making it a valuable sexual benefit for women. Zinc promotes endocrine balance and increases progesterone levels, contributing to the alleviation of PMS symptoms.

In addition to taking zinc supplements, women should ensure their diet includes zinc-rich foods such as seafood, nuts, legumes, bananas, and pumpkin seeds for optimal results. By incorporating zinc into their routine, women can potentially experience relief from the discomfort associated with PMS and enjoy improved sexual well-being.

3. Balances Female Hormones

Zinc, an essential mineral, is crucial in balancing a woman’s hormones, especially the female sex hormones. The sexual benefits of zinc for women are extensive and include improvements in overall reproductive health, enhanced libido, increased fertility, and regulation of menstrual cycles.

Additionally, zinc can help alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, such as cramps, moodiness, and irritability. By incorporating zinc into their diet, women can experience the wonders of this vital mineral in balancing their hormones, leading to improved sexual health and overall well-being.

4. Improves Female Fertility

In females, zinc plays a crucial role in enhancing fertility by regulating hormone levels and improving the quality of eggs. Additionally, studies have indicated that zinc can positively impact pregnancy outcomes.

It has been found to reduce the risk of preterm labor and birth defects, further highlighting the benefits of zinc for women’s reproductive health. By ensuring an adequate zinc intake through diet or supplements, females can optimize their fertility and increase their chances of a healthy pregnancy. Zinc’s influence on hormone regulation and its positive effects on pregnancy outcomes make it a valuable nutrient for women seeking to enhance their reproductive well-being.

5. Supports Healthy Libido

Adequate zinc levels can contribute to a healthy libido in women. Zinc regulates hormones and neurotransmitters in sexual desire, which can help enhance sexual arousal and enjoyment.

What Research Shows the Benefits of Zinc Sexually?

By now, you’ve learned the benefits of zinc sexually for men and women. Now let’s get what researchers say about it.


Zinc is crucial in regulating blood flow to the genitals, essential for proper sexual function. When zinc levels are insufficient, it can disrupt the normal functioning of the glands involved in sexual health, resulting in decreased testosterone levels and a decline in libido.

Another study shows – Insufficient zinc can negatively impact hormonal balance and overall sexual well-being. Therefore, ensuring an adequate zinc intake is essential for promoting healthy blood flow to the genitals and maintaining optimal testosterone levels, ultimately supporting a healthy and satisfying sexual experience.

How Much Zinc Do I Need?

The recommended daily zinc intake varies depending on age, gender, and specific life stages. Here are the general recommendations for adults:

  • Adult women: The recommended daily intake is around 8 milligrams (mg) of zinc daily.
  • Adult men: Adult men have a slightly higher requirement, with a recommended daily intake of approximately 11 mg of zinc.

NB: These are general guidelines, and individual needs may vary based on factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, certain health conditions, or specific dietary patterns. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the appropriate zinc intake for your specific circumstances.

Zinc Deficiency and Erectile Dysfunction

are you getting enough zinc

In a study conducted in 1996, a strong correlation between zinc and testosterone levels was observed. The study involved young men with a diet containing minimal amounts of zinc to induce a state of zinc deficiency. Over 20 weeks, the participants’ testosterone levels were measured, revealing a substantial decrease of nearly 75 percent due to the low-zinc diet. This study underscores the importance of zinc in maintaining healthy testosterone levels in young men.

The study’s findings in 1996 further investigated the effects of zinc supplementation on elderly men. The researchers discovered that increasing zinc intake nearly doubled testosterone levels in the elderly population. This provides compelling evidence of the impact of zinc on testosterone production.

In 2009, animal research was carried out to examine the relationship between zinc and sexual function. Rats were given a daily supplement of 5 milligrams of zinc, improving sexual function. The study concluded that zinc positively affects arousal and the ability to maintain an erection in males.

A study conducted in 2013 explored the significance of the sense of smell on libido, particularly in younger men. This suggests that a zinc deficiency, which can impair the sense of smell, may also reduce libido. Zinc not only influences testosterone levels but may also contribute to losing the ability to detect fine chemicals that induce arousal.

How Much Zinc for Erectile Dysfunction?

The answer is likely the same as regular zinc intake. The recommended zinc intake for adults aged 19 and above is 11 mg daily for men and 8 mg daily for women. The recommended intake increases slightly to 11 mg and 12 mg during pregnancy and lactation. 

However, for severe cases, you should consult your doctor about it.

Other Health Benefits of Zinc

health benefits of zinc

Here are the rephrased statements:

  1. Reduces the risk of BPH: Zinc appears to have a role in regulating inflammation, so restoring balanced zinc levels could benefit individuals with an enlarged prostate.
  2. Shortens cold symptoms: Research indicates that oral zinc supplementation can reduce the duration of colds when taken within 24 hours of symptom onset.
  3. Supports acne management: Zinc has shown potential in fighting and preventing acne. Studies suggest that it can reduce skin oil production, protect against bacterial infections, and alleviate inflammation associated with acne.
  4. Boosts the immune system: Zinc plays a vital role in maintaining a robust immune system, promoting wound healing, and supporting average growth.
  5. Zinc’s impact on the thyroid: The synthesis of thyroid hormones relies on zinc and other trace elements like copper and selenium. Deficiency in these nutrients can potentially lead to hypothyroidism.

Benefits of Zinc for Kids

Whether you have a toddler or baby, you should know the benefits of zinc for them. Let’s explore four key benefits of zinc for kids, including immune support, growth, cognitive development, and gut health.

  1. Enhances Immune Support: Zinc is particularly beneficial in supporting children’s immune function, especially as they navigate the school environment. It is essential for maintaining a balanced immune response and proper cellular functioning. 
  2. Helps Kids Reach Growth Milestones: Zinc is vital in supporting healthy growth in children. Clinical trials and meta-analyses have demonstrated that supplementing with zinc in infants and children under five years of age leads to positive growth outcomes, including improved height and weight. Zinc is involved in protein metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis, neurotransmission, and other crucial functions related to growth and development. A deficiency of zinc can result in stunted growth.
  3. Supports Cognitive Development: Zinc is essential for brain and cognitive development in growing children. It contributes to the development of neurons, neuronal differentiation, and physical brain tissue growth (white matter). Zinc deficiency can impact attention, activity, mood, behavior, and motor development, as developing brains rapidly utilize micronutrients and energy. 
  4. Maintains Gut Health: Zinc is vital in supporting healthy gut function. A zinc deficiency can lead to poor gut function and compromised gut integrity. This creates a vicious cycle as impaired gut function further depletes zinc levels due to inefficient nutrient absorption through the intestinal lining. Zinc supports nutrient absorption by promoting the production of stomach acid, which aids in food breakdown. It also helps maintain the intestinal barrier, preventing a leaky gut. As the gut-brain connection is well-established, maintaining gut health directly impacts brain and cognitive health. Zinc supplementation has been shown to treat diarrhea and gastroenteritis in children effectively.

Benefits of Zinc for Pregnant Women

You’ll be glad that zin also plays an excellent role for pregnant women. Below check out them.

  1. Reduction in Preterm Births: Taking zinc during pregnancy has been found to reduce the risk of preterm births slightly. This can be beneficial in ensuring that babies have a better chance of healthy development and a lower risk of complications associated with preterm birth.
  2. Support for Healthy Pregnancy: Many women of childbearing age may have mild to moderate zinc deficiency. Adequate zinc intake during pregnancy helps address this deficiency and supports a healthy pregnancy. Zinc plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including cell growth, DNA synthesis, and hormone regulation, which are essential for the proper development of the fetus.
  3. Potential Labor Progression: Low zinc concentrations in pregnant women may contribute to prolonged labor. Ensuring sufficient zinc intake may help promote normal labor progression, reducing the duration of labor and associated complications.
  4. Immune Support: Zinc is known for its immune-boosting properties. Maintaining optimal immune function during pregnancy is crucial when the immune system changes to support the growing fetus. Adequate zinc levels can support the immune system, helping pregnant women prevent infections and illnesses.
  5. Nutrient Absorption: Zinc plays a role in nutrient absorption, which is particularly important during pregnancy when nutrient requirements are increased. Sufficient zinc levels facilitate the absorption of essential nutrients from the diet, ensuring proper nourishment for both the mother and the developing baby.
  6. Developmental Support: During pregnancy, zinc develops various organs and tissues, including the brain. Satisfactory zinc levels are necessary for proper fetal growth and development, contributing to the baby’s long-term health and well-being.

How to Understand that You’re Not Getting Enough Zinc?

Recognizing the signs of nutrient deficiencies is crucial for maintaining optimal health. When it comes to zinc, an essential mineral with numerous physiological roles, it’s important to be aware of the indicators you may not be getting enough.

Zinc deficiency can lead to various symptoms and health issues, making recognizing the signs of insufficient zinc intake essential. By paying attention to specific cues from your body, you can gain insights into whether to increase your zinc intake through dietary sources or supplements.

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Low level of libido
  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rashes

If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be an indication of zinc deficiency. Incorporating zinc-rich foods into your diet or considering zinc supplementation can help address the deficiency and promote sexual health and overall well-being.

How Can I Get the Zinc I Need?

foods rich in zinc

Getting the necessary amount of zinc can be achieved through dietary choices and, if needed, supplementation. Several excellent food sources can help you meet your daily zinc requirements. 

Shellfish, particularly oysters, are considered one of the best natural sources of zinc. Other seafood like crab, lobster, and shrimp also contain significant amounts. Meats such as beef, pork, and lamb are good zinc sources, as well as poultry like chicken and turkey. Plant-based options include legumes like chickpeas, lentils, beans, pumpkin, and hemp seeds. Nuts, whole grains, and dairy products like cheese and milk can also contribute to your zinc intake.

If you struggle to obtain enough zinc through diet alone, supplements can be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Zinc supplements are available in various forms, including zinc gluconate, zinc citrate, and zinc picolinate. It’s essential to follow the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer or as advised by your healthcare provider.

Side Effects of Zinc

So far, we’ve learned about the benefits of zinc, but now let’s talk about the side effects.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Ingesting zinc levels above the recommended dietary amount can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. These symptoms are commonly associated with acute zinc toxicity.

Nausea and Headaches

Too much zinc intake can cause nausea and headaches as symptoms of zinc toxicity.

Copper Deficiency

High levels of zinc can reduce the availability of copper in the body. Copper is an essential mineral involved in various physiological processes. Copper deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, neurological issues, and impaired immune function.

Interference with Iron Levels

Excessive zinc consumption can also interfere with iron levels. Zinc and iron compete for absorption in the body. High zinc levels may inhibit iron absorption, leading to potential iron deficiency and associated symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and impaired cognitive function.

Medication Interactions

High levels of zinc can interfere with the absorption or effectiveness of certain medications. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional if you take any medications to ensure that zinc supplements or high zinc intake will not negatively impact their effectiveness.


Why is zinc important for sexual health?

Zinc plays a crucial role in sexual health as it aids in producing testosterone, the hormone that regulates sex drive. Sufficient zinc levels can help enhance libido and promote a healthy sexual appetite. Moreover, zinc is necessary for proper sperm development and fertility, making it vital for reproductive health.

Can zinc supplementation help with erectile dysfunction?

Zinc has been associated with improvements in erectile dysfunction (ED) as it helps regulate the male hormone involved in this condition. However, consulting with a healthcare professional before considering zinc supplementation to address ED is essential. Their guidance and expertise can help determine your situation’s most suitable course of action.

Does zinc make you last longer in bed?

While zinc is essential for overall sexual health, there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that it directly increases the duration of sexual performance or helps with lasting longer in bed. However, most studies show that Zinc helps with Premature ejaculation and boosts sexual performance.

Is taking too much zinc bad? 

Taking excessive amounts of zinc can have adverse effects on the body. High doses of zinc can lead to gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also interfere with absorbing other essential minerals and disrupt the body’s overall mineral balance. Moderation is vital when supplementing with zinc.

Is 8 mg of zinc too much?

No, 8 mg of zinc is enough for women. However, 8 mg of zinc is not sufficient for an adult man. Man requires more than that.

What type of zinc is best?

When it comes to choosing a form of zinc, there are several options available. While zinc sulfate is the least expensive, it is also the least easily absorbed and may cause stomach discomfort. On the other hand, more readily absorbed forms of zinc include zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate, and zinc monomethionine. These forms are considered to be more effective in terms of absorption and tolerability.

How much zinc to increase testosterone?

A study revealed that men who consumed 30 milligrams of zinc daily experienced elevated free testosterone levels. Therefore, this suggests that a 30-milligram dosage of zinc per day may be effective in increasing testosterone levels.

Final Words

So, have you understood the benefits of zinc sexually? 

In conclusion, we would say zinc offers several benefits for sexual health in both men and women. It plays a crucial role in hormone regulation, improving testosterone levels, and enhancing libido. 

However, we’ve also discussed the side effects and benefits of zinc. Make sure you read them before making any decision.


Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not comprehensive and should not be used to make health or well-being decisions. Consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about a medical condition, treatment options, or health regimen. This website or the content should never replace professional medical advice.

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