The Tragic Case of Erica Gene Shultz: Murdered and Remembered

erica gene shultz

Understanding the pain of losing someone can be hard. When a person disappears, their loved ones live in a world where they do not know what happened. It’s a problem many people face. In December 2020, Erica Gene Shultz sadly became part of this painful reality at just 26 years old.

This article is about Erica, a kind-hearted woman whose life was tragically cut short. Her sister and two others worked tirelessly to bring her home and catch the culprit behind not only her disappearance but also other crimes.

Here, we will guide you through Erica’s story—from her disappearance to remembering how she lived. You will learn how one community came together to support each other during such a devastating time.

Keep reading for hope in the darkest times.

Erica Gene Shultz: A Brief Biography

Erica Gene Shultz lived a full life before her tragic end at 26. She finished her studies at Columbia Montour Area Vocational Technical School. After that, she took courses at Luzerne County Community College to further her education.

Erica worked as a sales clerk at Weis Markets, where she interacted with many people daily.

Beyond work and school, Erica dedicated herself to helping others through the Advocacy Alliance of Bloomsburg. She shone brightly in sports too, winning gold medals in the PA Special Olympics Program.

Friends and family remember her for her spirit and passion for life—always ready to sing or dance her heart out. Erica leaves behind parents, siblings, an emotional support cat named Jamie Lynn, and a close-knit extended family who miss her dearly. In addition, you can also read an article on How Stephen A Smith Daughter Passed Away.

The Tragic Disappearance of Erica Gene Shultz

Erica Gene Shultz vanished, leaving her family and friends in shock. Her missing person case quickly drew the attention of local and state police teams, leading to a widespread search effort.

Initial missing person report

Friends and family grew worried on December 6, 2021. They hadn’t heard from Erica Gene Shultz. Her absence was unusual, especially since she missed work. This set off alarms for those who knew her closely.

Concerned individuals reached out to the authorities to report her missing.

Local law enforcement acted swiftly upon receiving the report about Erica’s disappearance. They gathered details from those who were last in contact with her. The police also started piecing together her recent activities, hoping to trace her steps before she vanished.

This early effort laid the groundwork for a larger search operation involving both local and state officials.

The role of local and state police in the search

Local and state police jumped into action after Erica Gene Shultz was reported missing on December 6, 2021. Teams from the State Police, Bloomsburg Town Police Department, and Berwick Borough Police Department, along with experts from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, joined forces.

They worked day and night. The Luzerne County Detectives and both the Luzerne and Columbia County District Attorney’s Offices also helped in this urgent search.

Officers tracked Harold David Haulman III across multiple states. With dedication and hard work, they found him in Duncannon, PA. This arrest led them to where they found Erica’s body in a secluded area in Luzerne County.

It was their teamwork that brought light to this dark case.

Unveiling the Culprit: The Arrest and Guilty Plea

The police caught the person who did this terrible act. He admitted to his crimes in court, showing how powerful clues and science helped solve the case.

The admission of the killer

Harold David Haulman III shocked everyone by admitting his guilt in court. He said he was responsible for ending Erica Shultz’s life and that of Tianna Phillips. His confession detailed how he cruelly attacked both women, using harsh means to take their lives away.

This admission came after intense investigative efforts, marking a dark chapter.

Haulman’s guilty plea meant he accepted spending the rest of his days behind bars without any chance of freedom. He received two life sentences, showing the severity of his crimes.

This outcome highlighted the justice system at work, aiming to bring some peace to the victims’ families and friends who had suffered greatly from these tragic losses. Additionally, you can also read about- Ashley McArthur’s Husband.

The role of forensic evidence in the case

Forensic proof was vital in connecting Harold David Haulman III to two tragic ends. This evidence let law enforcement, including the FBI and county attorneys, build a strong case. They used science to find out where Erica Shultz was last seen in Luzerne County’s woods.

The clues also helped prove that Haulman knew Shultz before she vanished.

The killer admitted to ending Tianna Phillips’ life, and forensic clues checked out with his story. This led him to plead guilty, and he received life sentences for his crimes against both victims.

The careful collection and analysis of this evidence made sure justice was served, showing just how crucial forensic science is in solving such sad mysteries.

The Devastating Impact: Remembrances and Tributes

erica gene shultz missing

Erica Gene Shultz touched many lives, leaving a void that friends and family felt deeply. Their words of love and the community’s acts to honor her memory paint a vivid picture of how much she meant to those around her.

Tributes from friends and family

Friends and family filled Trinity United Methodist Church in Espy and the Radiant Light in Muncy to honor Erica. They shared stories of her spirited nature, love for singing, dancing, and how she brought joy to their lives.

Emily Corbin, Erica’s sister, emphasized her relentless efforts that led to finding Erica and solving her murder.

At every memorial service, people spoke from their hearts about Erica’s passionate approach to life. They remembered how she always found reasons to smile and uplift others around her.

The local community felt a deep loss but also celebrated the positive impact Erica made during her life.

The impact on the local community

Erica Gene Shultz was not just a name; she was a vital part of her town. Her loss shook the local area, leaving friends and neighbors in deep sorrow. People remembered Erica as spirited and passionate, always ready to help others.

Her absence left a void that words can’t fill.

The tragedy brought the community closer together in ways no one expected. Residents came forward with flowers and tributes, sharing stories of how Erica touched their lives. This unified action showed the power of love and remembrance in facing such unbearable loss.

It proved that even in the darkest times, unity and compassion could shine through, bringing light to those around them.

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The Legal Proceedings: Court Case and Sentencing

The court case took a turn when Harold Haulman admitted to his actions. He received life in prison without the chance for parole, making sure he paid for his crime.

Details of the court case

Harold David Haulman III faced the judge for his crimes. He received two life sentences without parole. His crimes? The murders of Erica Shultz and Tianna Phillips. This took place in a courtroom, where justice was served loud and clear.

Haulman admitted to his dark deeds. Besides murdering, he also kidnapped and mistreated the victims’ bodies. Evidence played a big role, including Haulman’s own words about how he dumped Tianna Phillips’ remains behind a cinema trash container.

Now, Haulman stays in Luzerne County Jail, paying for his actions every day.

Sentencing of the murderer

The court gave Haulman two life sentences without the chance for parole. He was guilty of taking the lives of Erica Shultz and Tianna Phillips. This decision came after he admitted to his crimes in a clear voice.

Before making his guilty plea, Haulman had shared details with authorities about how he disposed of one victim’s body behind a large cinema trash bin. His actions shocked many and led the law to look closely at him for other missing persons cases, including a Michigan woman missing since 2005.

The Aftermath: The Community’s Response

The community came together, offering strong support for Erica’s loved ones. They also started projects to help stop such sad events from happening again.

Local support for the Shultz family

Emily Corbin, Erica Shultz’s sister, felt the warmth of the local community during her darkest hours. Friends, neighbors, and even strangers came together to offer their support. They brought food, sent messages of comfort, and shared memories of Erica.

This wave of kindness showed the family they were not alone.

Organizations within the community also played a big role in helping the Shultz family cope. They organized events to honor Erica’s memory and raise awareness about violence against women.

Their efforts made sure that Erica’s story reached far and wide, sparking conversations about safety and justice.

Efforts to prevent similar tragedies

Communities have stepped up their game to keep such heartbreaking events from happening again. They are spreading awareness about the dangers lurking online and in real life. People now organize workshops on self-defense and safety measures, targeting especially those most at risk, like Erica.

These sessions teach how to recognize threats and protect oneself.

Technology plays a big role too. Apps that allow friends or family to track one’s location have become more popular. The use of social media has been tailored to send alerts if someone goes missing, making it easier for communities to find them quickly. If you want, you can also read- Tragic Story of Chad Dorman’s Wife.

Efforts continue every day, with everyone hoping for a safer tomorrow where tragedies like Erica’s are less likely to occur.


Erica Gene Shultz’s story tells us about loss, justice, and remembrance. Her family found strength in their darkest times. They keep her spirit alive through memories and acts of love.

The community came together to support them and work on making things safer for everyone. Erica’s legacy teaches us the power of unity and hope amidst tragedy.

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