More Than 40 Countries Ban UK Arrivals for Covid-19


Over 40 countries have banned arrivals in United Kingdom due to concerns about spread of a new variant of Coronavirus. Flights from the UK have been being suspended to the countries throughout the world including India and Hong Kong, BBC reports. Already more than 40 countries including Europe, United States, the Middle East, and Asia […]

Tips for Combatting Thinning Hair

Thinning Hair

Thinning hair or hair loss is one of the most upsetting things a person can experience as they get older. While it often happens naturally as part of the aging process, you may also lose your hair earlier in life due to a variety of other factors, such as stress, illness, or family genetics. It […]

Positive Role of a Man Can Create Peaceful and Equitable Society 

Gender-based Violence

In the midst of winter in 2015, nine progressive friends including my wife visited Birishiri to enjoy the beauty of Garo Hills. We set up our base camp on a hill. The campfire and barbeque party were continued with singing, dancing, and making jokes. While having fun one of my friends asked do you still […]