GOLO Side Effects: Things You Need to Know Before Start [Detail Guide]

golo side effects

Are you looking to understand the Golo side effects of following the Golo Diet? It is a diet program that has become increasingly popular over the years mostly due to its claims of guaranteed weight loss.

In this blog post, we will provide information about what can be expected when beginning this restrictive diet and if it is safe for use in 2023. Learn the latest updates on potential health risks from using GOLO Release pills and other common side effects reported with this plan.

Get all your questions answered here while discovering research-backed solutions to avoid any dangerous outcomes from embarking on a GOLO journey! Get ready to uncover every detail behind following the Golo Diet and any related side effects today!

Content Highlights
  • The GOLO diet involves a low-calorie intake of 1300 to 1500 calories per day, along with whole, unprocessed foods and supplements like the Release pill.
  • Short and long-term side effects may include nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, headaches due to caffeine withdrawal or catechins in pills; dizziness, fatigue & insomnia; irritability due to food restriction; and increased heart rate.
  • Chronic deficiencies from malnutrition could lead to serious medical conditions such as anemia & osteoporosis while following this diet, so it’s important that one consults their healthcare provider before embarking on this program.
  • Blood pressure, digestive system, and kidney functions are all at risk if proper nutrition is not taken into consideration when consuming less than 1800 calories daily as part of the GOLO Diet plan for rapid weight loss.

What is the GOLO Diet?

golo diet

The GOLO Diet is an online weight-loss program that claims to help people lose and keep their weight off while encouraging healthy eating habits.

Overview of the Diet

The GOLO diet is a weight-loss plan designed to balance hormones and improve blood sugar levels. It restricts calorie consumption to 1300-1500 per day and recommends taking the Release supplement as part of the program.

The main goal of this diet is to address imbalanced hormones, insulin resistance, and other factors that contribute to difficulty in losing weight. By following this plan correctly, individuals can expect improved energy levels, lowered blood pressure, better digestion, better sleep, reduced cholesterol levels, and powerful antioxidant protection for overall health improvement.

In addition to limited caloric intake, followers must eat fresh, unprocessed whole foods while eliminating refined sugars and different forms of carbohydrates from their diets. Finally, they also need to take light daily exercises such as walking or jogging for 30 minutes minimum each day in order to reach optimal results from GOLO’s program with the best effects on their body shape control in the long term.

Claims and Promises

The GOLO diet claims to be a safe and sustainable way to lose weight, with the promise of lasting results. Advanced technology is used to measure your food intake each day so that you can make smarter eating decisions and regulate insulin levels for optimal weight loss.

As part of this program, there are also dietary supplements meant to help users gain more energy and sustain their overall health. However, it should be noted that all studies conducted thus far have been funded by the company itself, making it difficult to verify whether or not these promises hold true.

Additionally, very little evidence is available regarding its ability to lower blood sugar levels or improve insulin sensitivity—two key components of successful insulin regulation for successful weight loss management. Additionally, you can also read 14 Safety Tips for All Healthcare Workers.

Is the GOLO Diet Safe?

While the GOLO Diet is marketed as a safe and effective way to achieve weight loss, there are potential risks due to its lack of peer-reviewed research, lack of nutrition and calorie intake, as well as possible negative effects on blood pressure, digestive system, and kidneys.

Potential Risks

The GOLO diet has potential risks for people with diabetes, as it involves reducing carbohydrate intake significantly. It also includes using supplements made from the main ingredient in Release pills, such as chlorogenic acid and catechins, which may interfere with blood sugar control if taken at the wrong dose or if used without consulting a healthcare professional.

Some users have reported anecdotal side effects from using GOLO Release pills, such as nausea, stomach pain, headache, and dizziness. As these could potentially be serious symptoms of an underlying condition like low blood glucose levels or high cholesterol levels, they should not be ignored.

Additionally, GOLO recommends against taking Release while pregnant or breastfeeding due to the lack of safety data on its use during pregnancy and nursing periods. Reported side effects from people on the GOLO diet include nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea (due to rapid fat digestion), headaches caused by caffeine withdrawal/high amounts of catechin in release pills; dizziness related to sudden drops may occur in blood pressure usually 1-2 hours after consuming them; fatigue and insomnia can happen when taken too close to bedtime; increased heart rate; low blood sugar leading to confusion & disorientation when missing doses; irritability associated with high levels of food restriction.

Lack of Peer-Reviewed Research

The GOLO Diet lacks evidence-based research in medical journals and peer reviews. Not having this data available is troubling as it means there’s a lack of information on the safety and potential side effects of taking the diet capsules, Release pills, or following the dietary plan mentioned in their materials.

Experts have also stated that there isn’t much-supporting research for the supplement central to the GOLO Diet, leading critics to label it as lacking scientific evidence. While anecdotal evidence exists concerning those who have successfully used this diet, relying solely on non-peer-reviewed studies increases risk when making health decisions since these are typically not conducted with rigorous testing protocols normally adopted by traditional scientific institutions.

Peer-reviewed studies are critical for determining whether a weight loss plan is safe and effective for individuals since they provide an unbiased assessment regarding its effects over time from independent scholars providing reliable, scientifically grounded advice with regard to safety issues associated with any diets.

Lack of Nutrients and Calories

The GOLO Diet involves consuming 1300-1500 calories a day in order to promote weight loss. With such a low caloric intake, it’s important to ensure that the diet is well-balanced with essential vitamins and minerals, or else the lack of nutrients could lead to health issues down the road.

Because of its calorie restriction component, many people following the GOLO Diet don’t consume enough micronutrients over time and become protein deficient or experience vitamin deficiencies.

Consuming fewer than 1,800 calories daily can cause muscle fatigue and energy drops due to an inadequate supply of glucose which is needed by cells for energy production. Moreover, inadequate consumption of macronutrients – proteins, carbs, fats– leads to decreased immunity, hair loss, and dry skin.

Potential Effects on Blood Pressure, Digestive System, and Kidneys

The GOLO Diet may have an impact on blood pressure, the digestive system, and kidneys due to its rapid weight-loss principles. When trying to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week, the body could become overwhelmed by the sudden calorie reduction or lack of nutrients leading to dehydration or a decrease in blood pressure levels.

Lowering calories can contribute to this drop as well. Decreased appetite and nausea are also common side effects that can lead to stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn.

Long-term use may impair normal kidney function due to nutrient deficiencies like protein, vitamins, and minerals, which stress these organs over time. Therefore it is important for those following the diet plan to carefully consider all potential risks before starting any changes in their lifestyle, especially would related to food choices.

Side Effects of the GOLO Diet

side effects of golo diet

Potential risks must be taken into consideration, including nausea, diarrhea, headaches, and more; discover the full list of side effects here.

Nausea and Stomach Pain

Nausea and stomach pain are two of the most commonly reported side effects experienced by users of the GOLO Diet. By cutting out a wide range of nutritious, calorie-dense foods, users may not be getting adequate nutrients to support their bodies.

This could lead to nausea and cramps in the abdominal area as well as general fatigue and irritability after switching to this diet plan. Furthermore, some ingredients in the GOLO Release supplement, such as L-carnitine, can cause GI distress when taken at excessive levels than recommended on its dietary label.

To alleviate these symptoms while following this diet or preventing them from occurring, it’s important for people to consume substantial amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits, which provide essential vitamins and protein, and also natural supplements like probiotics that can improve digestion, reducing any potential side effects due to lack of proper nutrition.


Diarrhea is a common potential side effect of the GOLO diet. A decrease in healthy variety when following this program, as well as changes to gut bacteria and microbiome, are possible culprits for diarrhea.

Other symptoms related to digestive issues that the GOLO diet may cause include abdominal cramping, upset stomach, and bloating.

The use of GOLO Release pills has been shown to cause diarrhea in users. Dr. John Payne, an internal medicine physician at Loyola Medicine, has found that many patients who followed the plan experienced nausea and loose stools shortly after starting it.


It is one of individuals’ most commonly reported side effects of the GOLO Diet. These headaches can range from mild to moderate, and they tend to increase in intensity over time, especially if an individual does not closely follow the diet plan.

For some users, these headaches are debilitating and disrupt their daily lives. It is thought that because the GOLO diet relies heavily on keeping blood sugar levels low, it can lead to lower-than-normal magnesium levels, which are associated with headaches once depleted from our system.

Another potential cause could be dehydration due to a lack of carbohydrates while on certain phases of this program and increased caffeine intake for those using Release pills during Phase 2 or 3.


The GOLO Diet has been reported to cause dizziness in some users. Reported symptoms range from mild vertigo to full-on dizziness, as well as difficulty concentrating. One of the main reasons may be related to blood sugar levels.

The diet is known for drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein and fat, which can lead to low blood sugar after meals due to a lack of glucose three hours later.

Additionally, this shock might have an additional effect when combined with regular physical activity during the diet due to reduced energy needs, which could increase the likelihood of experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness.

Moreover, if individuals taking high-blood pressure medication follow Golo, they should seek medical guidance first since it can interfere with common medications leading to weak patients being more susceptible to fainting episodes or extreme feelings of sickness like vertigo and disorientation due to their compromised state.


Fatigue is one of the potential side effects that some users have experienced while on the GOLO Diet. The GOLO Diet focuses on managing insulin levels and balancing blood sugar, which may help to reduce fatigue associated with imbalanced glucose metabolism.

In particular, the diet claims that it supports proper glucose metabolism, potentially helping to regulate energy levels in those who struggle with sluggishness due to poor regulation of their blood sugar.

As part of this regimen, active ingredients in the GOLO Release supplement are meant to support balanced hormones for lasting energy balance.


The GOLO diet has been associated with certain side effects, one of which is insomnia. Oftentimes, when people start new diets or make changes to their eating habits, they may experience difficulty sleeping as a result.

This can be in part due to the body adjusting to new foods and nutrients that weren’t present before. If you are feeling tired during the day but have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, the GOLO diet could be disrupting your sleep cycle.

Insomnia can lead to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness during the day and impair overall well-being in general. To avoid these symptoms, it’s important.

To ensure you’re meeting all of your dietary needs while following the GOLO diet – taking multivitamins if needed – and getting enough rest on a regular basis by sticking to a consistent bedtime schedule each night.

Increased Heart Rate

The GOLO diet has been linked to an increased heart rate, with potential side effects that could be concerning. Critics of the diet have raised concerns about self-reported higher heart rates being reported by users following the eating plan.

Many who’ve tried it out have experienced increases in heart rate without any other corresponding health improvements, leaving them at risk for serious health issues like cardiovascular damage or hypertension.

While this side effect may not affect everyone on the diet and can indicate good progress if accompanied by improved fitness levels and activity habits, its important to understand how these cardiac changes can potentially impact overall health for those unaware of its risks as compared to a more traditional kes per week patent-reviewed nutritional regimen.

Low Blood Sugar

When it comes to the GOLO diet, one common side effect that can occur is low blood sugar. The main focus of the GOLO diet is to control insulin levels which leads to a decrease in glucose or blood sugar levels.

When individuals lower their intake of carbohydrates, they may be at risk of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar due to the reduced available energy sources for their cells. Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar include feeling lightheaded or dizzy, sudden hunger, sweating, shakiness, and confusion.

In more severe cases, people may experience fainting and seizures. It’s important to monitor your glucose level carefully if you are on this diet and seek medical advice if any symptoms associated with low blood sugar develop, as these can be serious conditions if left unchecked.


One of the potential side effects associated with the GOLO diet is irritability. Irritability occurs when an individual becomes easily agitated and demonstrates a tendency to react negatively in situations that may not usually elicit such responses.

Many people following the GOLO diet have reported changes in mood which could manifest as increased levels of anxiety, tension, stress, or simply restlessness and irritation. A major reason for these reactions is due to the low-calorie intake caused by the diet.

Low-calorie diets can result in psychological symptoms from nutrient imbalances that affect energy production and hormone regulation which can contribute to feelings of agitation, distress, or dysphoria.

What is the Main Ingredient in the GOLO Release Pills?

Golo Release Pills Ingredients

The main ingredient in the GOLO Release Pills is not mentioned specifically, but it does contain seven plant-based ingredients and three minerals- magnesium, zinc, and chromium. The combination of these active minerals helps to boost your metabolism and energy levels in a safe way.

Most importantly, GOLO Release does not contain caffeine or any other stimulants, so there will be no crashes or jitters associated with its use. It also has no known side effects even when taken alongside medications, making it a great choice for anyone looking for an all-natural supplement to support weight loss efforts without taking on added risks of harm into their daily routine.

How to Avoid the Side Effects and Risks of the GOLO Diet

Following the diet properly and consulting with a healthcare professional can limit or eliminate the risks associated with the GOLO Diet.

Properly Following the Diet

  • Monitor blood glucose levels and adjust carbohydrate intake accordingly.
  • Avoid foods with added sugar, empty calories, processed carbohydrates, and saturated fat.
  • Consume an abundance of leafy greens, healthy proteins, and low glycemic index fruits and vegetables throughout the day.
  • Meet daily caloric requirements per meal set by your healthcare provider or nutritionist ( generally between 1200-1800 calories).
  • Increase fiber intake to 25g to 35 g per day with whole grains like quinoa, oats, buckwheat, etc., as well as legumes & nuts for satiating hunger cravings without increasing weight.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water or herbal teas a day to stay hydrated post-GOLO diet consumption.
  • Exercise regularly; incorporate activities such as yoga and Pilates into your routine three times a week to stay fit and energized. During this period, the goal should be to do light exercise rather than strenuous physical activities. Depending on your health condition, seek a doctor’s advice before exercising during diet consumption days.

Consulting With a Healthcare Professional

before starting the GOLO Diet is a must to avoid potential side effects that may worsen preexisting medical conditions. A healthcare professional can provide guidance and insight on an individual’s suitability for the diet, taking into account their specific health concerns and goals.

They can also evaluate any nutrition deficiencies that could arise from following the restrictive dietary guidelines of the GOLO Diet and recommend nutrition supplements as needed to address these issues.

Additionally, they are able to assess factors such as blood pressure before starting the diet in order to monitor risks throughout the process better. By consulting with a healthcare professional, individuals have access to important information about the cost, potential benefits, and risks of GOLO, which helps them make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for them.

Considering Alternative Diets

When considering different diet plans, it is essential to consider alternative diets that might be just as effective and much safer than the GOLO Diet. For instance, a Mediterranean-style diet focuses on consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil while limiting processed foods and red meat.

This type of eating plan has been associated with increased health benefits such as lower risk for heart disease. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet is another option that emphasizes plant-based proteins, reduces sodium intake, and increases consumption of unsaturated fats from sources including nuts, seeds, and fish.

It also encourages adding low-fat dairy products since they provide important vitamins and minerals daily. Studies suggest that DASH can help improve blood pressure levels within a short period of time, making it suitable for those with hypertension or pre-hypertension states in particular.

Who is the GOLO Diet For?

[Video Credits @All Things Nutrition]

People looking to make sustainable changes to their lifestyle and improve overall health may find the GOLO Diet beneficial for long-term success. If you’re curious as to how the GOLO Diet might be right for you, keep reading!

Target Audience

The GOLO Diet is primarily for people who have struggled with dietary habits in the past and want a flexible yet effective way to manage their weight. The diet is suited for individuals of all ages, genders, and body types.

Those who appreciate having set meal plans or are looking for an easy-to-follow structure may find this program beneficial. Furthermore, it might be more suitable than restriction diets due to its nutritional balance and calorie intake guidelines.

In terms of physical activity level or health goals, the GOLO Diet can work well for beginners and advanced users wanting to improve their overall fitness levels. However, if you do suffer from any underlying health conditions, it’s best practice to talk with your doctor about potential side effects before starting the plan.

Potential Benefits

The GOLO diet can offer many positive effects on one’s health as it helps address and improve insulin levels responsible for increased blood sugar. The diet consists of 1300-1500 calories daily with the addition of a supplement known as Release, which includes zinc, chromium, and Banaba extract all proven to help fight insulin resistance.

Furthermore, the emphasis on lean proteins and healthy fats provided through GOLO plans has been found to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract leading to improved gut health.

All these benefits collectively are promising natural solutions when aiming to optimize metabolism, reverse insulin resistance, promote weight loss, and better overall well-being.

Does the GOLO Diet Work?

With its promise of weight loss and improved health, examining the evidence is essential to determine if the GOLO diet works.

Examining the Evidence

Scientific research on the GOLO diet is limited, with no long-term studies having been conducted on its effects. Some short-term studies have suggested that following a restricted calorie and nutrient intake, as prescribed by the GOLO diet, can lead to improved insulin sensitivity and improved satisfaction with physical appearance.

However, these results are not well documented or confirmed by reliable sources. Additionally, there has been some anecdotal evidence from users of GOLO supplements regarding weight loss success; however, this is difficult to measure in any real capacity as spreadsheet data tracking their losses is often not published online alongside testimonials.

As such, it’s important for potential users to take all claims of effectiveness cautiously before committing themselves to the program.

User Reviews

The GOLO diet plan has attracted mixed reviews from its users. While some users report positive results, including weight loss and improved energy levels, others have reported unpleasant side effects. Here are some key points mentioned by the users:

User Reviews Positive or Negative
Significant weight loss Positive
Heightened energy levels Positive
Overall improvement in health Positive
Experiencing nausea Negative
Feeling of vertigo Negative
Occurrence of headaches Negative

Table: User Reviews of GOLO Diet

There is a diversity in the users’ experiences with the GOLO diet plan. It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or weight loss program.

What are Doctors Saying About GOLO?

Medical professionals are cautious about potential GOLO side effects, so it is important for users to be aware of the health risks involved and consult with a healthcare professional before starting the diet.

Medical Professionals’ Opinions

Medical professionals have questioned the effectiveness and safety of the Golo Diet. They warn that it may cause health issues for individuals who are diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, people with hypertension, high cholesterol levels, and kidney problems.

Aside from concerns about potential metabolic damage resulting from a lack of balanced nutrition and excess calories in the diet, medical professionals also alert users to possible dangers associated with taking particular supplements in combination with certain medications.

Furthermore, they point out that no convincing evidence exists that any supplement used in the GOLO Diet can promote long-term weight loss beyond a healthy caloric deficit achieved by following a normal diet.

Warnings and Concerns

There are a number of warnings and concerns associated with the Golo diet. Studies have not been conducted to determine conclusively whether or not this diet is effective and safe, as all relevant studies have been funded by GOLO itself, leaving out any true unbiased scientific support.

Additionally, because GOLO recommends consuming fewer calories than necessary for basic health needs, there may be other long-term repercussions from following this diet, such as reduced nutrient intake, which can lead to issues like hair loss and anemia.

Furthermore, the release pill, which is heavily marketed on the website, has ingredients like zinc, chromium, and banaba leaf extract that can cause increased heart rate jitters and anxiety in sensitive individuals who take them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Now let’s learn about some common questions on this topic.

1. What are the possible side effects of Golo?

Possible side effects of Golo include headache, nausea, dizziness, upset stomach, and constipation. If these symptoms persist or worsen, contact your doctor immediately.

2. Are there any interactions that I should know about before taking Golo?

Yes, before taking Golo, it is important to consult with your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications from existing medications/health conditions as well as interacting substances and foods such as caffeine and grapefruit juice.

3. Is it safe for pregnant or nursing women to take Golo?

No, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to take Golo due to its potentially negative impacts on the baby’s development if ingested in high levels during this period.


The GOLO Diet is a program that calls for managing insulin levels with the help of supplements in order to aid weight loss. While there are some positive reviews, when followed improperly, the diet may cause side effects such as nausea and stomach pain.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying out this diet or making drastic changes like taking diabetes injections which can lead to serious long-term health problems.

Ultimately, finding an individually tailored approach for healthy eating and lifestyle habits is always best when it comes to attaining weight-loss goals in a safe and responsible way.


Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not comprehensive and should not be used to make health or well-being decisions. Consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about a medical condition, treatment options, or health regimen. This website or the content should never replace professional medical advice.

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