Behold! First Image of Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

black hole

Astronomers have finally seen the Milky Way galaxy’s center, revealing a massive black hole, a celestial vortex 26,000 light-years from Earth that would otherwise be hidden from view. On Thursday, an international team of researchers released a photo of the supermassive black hole known as Sagittarius A*, which was captured using the power of eight […]

How do Parent’s Genes Shape Behavior of Children?

parents genes in children

Scientists at the University of Utah have explained how genes from both parents influence behavior of children. The findings were published in the journal ‘Cell Reports‘. Parenting isn’t the only way parents influence their children’s behavior. Genes are also important. And, while most of our genes are inherited in pairs, one copy from each parent, moms […]

Scientists Grow Plants in Moon Soil for the First Time

This study could go down in the history of space travel — for the first time, researchers have grown plants on real lunar substrate. They systematically examined whether agriculture would be possible on the celestial body in the future. The result: Plants could in principle grow on “Monderde”, reports the team from the University of […]

What To Know About Offshore Asset Protection?

Offshore Asset Protection

Offshore asset protection is an activity often linked to the rich and famous. Additionally, some people think it’s only meant to evade taxes or hide proceeds from money laundering.   Not many people know that offshore asset protection trusts can be a wise financial move for business people. It’s also a good component of proper estate […]

Elon Musk Suspends Buying Twitter, Stock Plummets

Elon Musk

Elon Musk has put his deal to buy Twitter on hold. The Tesla boss wrote on Twitter on Friday that he first wanted to wait for calculations to show that accounts with no real users behind them actually accounted for less than five percent. The short message service published this estimate earlier in the week. Twitter stock quickly fell nearly […]

Best Accessories You can Take in Car While Traveling with Pet

happy dog

The Easter holidays have come to an end, but surely you are already planning your next car getaway. If you plan to enjoy your next adventure with your dog, cat or pet dog, cat or pet, it is essential that you choose the best accessories on the market to guarantee their safety, well-being and comfort […]

Do You Know What Rules Make Richest People Productive?

Jeff Bezos Trolls Elon Musk

Who doesn’t want to be more productive ? We all want to get more done in the work day, get more things done, and solve more problems, but without having to spend extra hours stuck in the office or glued to a computer. Being productive is not about being a slave to the office, but about making better […]

Benefits of Buying Gifts Online

buying gifts online

Shopping has been transformed in the digital age, with the majority of purchases made online rather than at local gift shops. This is because there are several advantages to shopping online, and everyone wants a piece of the pie. Giving is undeniably enjoyable. This is why every celebration and occasion has a gift-giving ceremony. Gifting […]

Try these Yummy 7 Vegetable Curries in Summer

vegetable curry

All we can think about is finishing our work and spending the next two days doing the things we enjoy. You’ve come to the correct place if you enjoy cooking and tinkering. Spend some time this weekend cooking wonderful food and surprising your family with large feasts! As a result, we’ve put together a list […]