Prepare Your Home Now: 16 Upgrades to Withstand Extreme Weather

home upgrade tips for extreme weather

As the severity and frequency of extreme weather increase, it’s essential for homeowners to feel confident in the safety of their homes. However, according to an industry survey by CertainTeed, fewer than half (48%) of surveyed consumers who have noticed weather changes are very confident in their home’s ability to endure extreme weather.

“It’s never too early to be prepared for an extreme weather event,” says Lucas Hamilton, manager of applied building science at CertainTeed / Saint-Gobain North America. “The minute you see a problem area in your home, you should address it.”

Waiting too long can leave your home vulnerable, but making smart updates will bring peace of mind and add value to your home.

Although some of these projects might seem daunting, there are many updates you can make as part of routine home care and maintenance.

1. Strengthen Windows

Replacing single-pane windows with double- and triple-pane windows enhances energy efficiency and durability. Storm windows and doors provide an extra layer of protection against extreme weather.

Impact windows, featuring heavy-duty frames and glass that remains intact even when broken, help protect your home against flying debris.

If new windows are not in your budget, you can still make updates by sealing up any holes and cracks with caulk, applying weatherstripping, and using window or door insulation kits.

2. Invest in Solar

Investing in solar energy is beneficial in any climate region. Options include solar panels and solar roof shingles that can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Solar energy lowers energy bills and provides power during outages when paired with a battery storage unit. This can help keep essential systems running during power outages.

3. Upgrade Your Roof

The roof is the first line of defense in a home. Roof upgrades will significantly increase your home’s resilience in extreme weather. It is crucial to select the right materials for your climate.

Look for impact-resistant roofing with a Class 4 impact rating for hail-prone areas, solar reflective shingles to combat increasing temperatures, Class-F-rated roofing for regions with strong winds like tornadoes and hurricanes, and fire-resistant materials to fight wildfires.

Depending on your climate, consider materials from asphalt shingles to clay tiles and metal panels. Additionally, hurricane straps can further secure the roof of the house in areas with extreme wind.

4. Go for Steel Doors

Upgrading entry points with steel doors enhances durability and storm resistance. Steel doors withstand storms better than French doors and sliding patio doors, offering a more secure option for your home.

5. Improve Gutters

Improving your gutters is a smaller yet impactful home improvement project. Leaf filters help prevent blockages in gutters, ensuring water doesn’t get backed up during heavy rainfall.

Hamilton recommends improving exterior surface drainage to ensure rainwater from the gutters is directed away from the home’s foundation, further boosting the impact of your home’s gutters.

6. Upgrade Attic Insulation

Upgrading attic insulation helps combat temperature extremes and reduce utility costs. Proper insulation retains warm air during cold weather and keeps your home cool during heatwaves, enhancing overall comfort and energy efficiency.

7. Direct Water Away from the Foundation

Excess water around your home’s foundation can cause structural concerns. Ensure water is directed away from the house by extending gutters, adjusting the property’s grading, and using sump pumps in basements. Waterproofing the exterior of basement walls adds an extra layer of protection.

8. Install Resilient Siding

Siding that stays dry and cool is essential as rains get heavier and temperatures rise. Evaluate your siding after storms to ensure it isn’t holding water.

Consider upgrading to materials like brick, fiber-cement, and metal siding that won’t absorb water and offer durability and fire resistance.

9. Protect Vents

In areas prone to wildfires, adding fire-resistant vents and vent covers can make a big impact. Homes have numerous vents and openings that facilitate airflow but can also be entryways for floating embers. Fire-resistant vents and covers prevent embers from entering vulnerable interiors.

10. Save Water

Extreme heat and droughts are increasingly common. Newer, more advanced water management systems can help. Greywater recycling systems repurpose water for non-drinking purposes.

Leak detection devices monitor water lines and can automatically shut off water in case of major leaks. Rainwater collection systems can provide sustainable water solutions for gardening or other uses.

11. Address Indoor Air Quality

Air purifiers filter smoke, pollutants, and mold spores from wildfires, floods, and other extreme events, improving indoor air quality. Individual air purifiers are budget-friendly options for specific rooms.

For a more substantial approach, upgrade to a powerful HVAC system or whole-house air purifying and dehumidifying systems.

12. Buy a Backup Generator

Extreme weather often leads to power outages. A backup generator keeps essential systems running, preserving perishable food and maintaining air quality. Consider installing a generator for reliable power during outages.

13. Create Resilient Landscaping

Landscaping choices can enhance your home’s resistance to extreme weather. Remove flammable materials and dead vegetation around the house.

Incorporate native plants and grasses with deep roots to withstand droughts and flooding. These measures reduce fire risk and improve water management.

14. Use the Right House Wraps, Flashings, and Underlayments

When installing a new roof and siding, selecting proper underlayments and house wraps is crucial for protection against extreme weather. These materials help protect against hurricanes, snowstorms, ice dams, and wind-driven rain.

Flashing and house wrap act as a last line of defense, ensuring the water that gets past the outer layer doesn’t penetrate the hom

15. Build a Resistant Deck

Decks, porches, and patios need to withstand extreme weather. Use materials with Class-A flame-spread ratings and ignition resistance.

Traditional wood materials are prone to fire and water damage. More durable options include PVC, fiber cement, and aluminum. Ensure the design prevents water accumulation and combustible material buildup.

16. Consider Exterior Colors

Exterior colors can impact your home’s efficiency. Darker colors absorb light and heat, while lighter colors reflect them. Choose roofing and siding colors based on your climate. Solar reflective shingles can help if you choose dark colors for your roof.

For dark siding, install it over a ventilated airspace or use self-ventilated vinyl siding to carry heat away before it enters your wall.

Focus on the Building Envelope

A resilient building envelope is essential for withstanding extreme weather. This includes impact-resistant windows, a durable roof, fire-resistant materials, and proper insulation.

These elements work together to keep your home comfortable and secure during and after extreme weather events.

Maintenance Is Key

Regular maintenance is critical for preparing your home for extreme weather. Inspect your roof, check for damaged trees, clean gutters, and remove debris regularly. Routine maintenance helps identify potential weaknesses and reduces the risk of preventable damage.

Final thought

In our rapidly changing world, protecting your home from extreme weather requires proactive updates and regular maintenance.

These measures not only enhance your home’s resilience but also increase its long-term value and durability. By systematically addressing these updates, you can ensure your home remains a safe and comfortable haven in the face of extreme weather.

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